Our Warmth in the Cold

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

Just drinking my morning coffee while watching the news. And the highlight of today is the temperature,

"This might be the return of the coldest day in the season since last year-"

So that cold day's back. At least it's a weekend, I don' have any plans to go out-


...I'm not even going to question it.

I open the door to see a cold Teruhashi Kokomi in winter clothes, but not enough for how cold today is.

S: Kokomi, what are you doing he-

Kokomi immediately hugs me, I knew she was cold so I activated my pyrokinesis to warm her.

S: What's going on?

T: Kusuo!

She looked up to me with a happy but slightly blushed face from the cold weather. At least she's not uncomfortable.

S: What is it?

T: Let's go to the Kamakura festival!

S: In Yokote?

T: Yeah!

S: The temperature isn't really the most tour friendly.

T: But I have my solution right here.

She poked my body that's warming her up. I sighed from her laxness.

S: Fine.

T: Yay!

After I changed to the appropriate clothing, I teleported us to a random spot in Yokote park.

T: We're here!

She walked around to see the park covered in snow, surrounded by the naked cherry blossoms and pine trees.

S: Are you sure you don't have to wear extra layers?

T: I told you, I have my warming pad right here.

She ran to me and held my arm. She probably plans to do something with me later, so I'll see how this goes. We walked until we make it to the Yokote castle, a smaller white castle with black roofing, lit up from below, behind two Amakuras with a shrine in each of them. Between them are stairs to the castle. 

S: Want to see the view?

T: Sure.

We walked to Yokote castle and made it to the observation deck. Despite the castle being quite small, we manage to see almost all of Yokote city from here. The lit houses covered by the falling snow, the ice cold river flowing under the bridge in the distance,

S: If there weren't any artificial light, we would've been able to see Chokai mountain.

T: Wow, I didn't think the view would be this good. 

S: Shows that Yokote really is a flat land.

Snow was still falling, decorating our view, but reminded us that this was still the coldest day of the winter. Kokomi got closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

T: This is nice.

S: Sure is.

After enjoying the view, we walked to the side of Yokote river to watch the sea of small kamakura.

T: So cute!

S: There's more than I thought.

T: It's like visiting a small snow village.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now