The Process

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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

My name is Teruhashi Kokomi, 17 years old. I am known as a goddess and an idol. But today I am faced with an obstacle that I thought I would never face as the most beautiful girl in the world, my upset boyfriend, Saiki Kusuo.

I would never make anyone else upset, I'm pretty sure I'm incapable of doing so. If I made a mistake, people will always forgive me because they know I make a mistake. And as the perfect girl, I would never make someone upset on purpose. 

But today is a different case.

12 hours ago in school,

T: I also choose Saiki Kusuo!

The entire class went silent for a bit from the shock and Kusuo who was looking somewhere else to divert attention from himself looks straight at me in surprise. 

The whole class: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the short silence the whole class erupted in an uproar.




I look to Kusuo silently agreeing to them, I knew that he doesn't want to take part in this, but I need to make him Romeo, no matter what. Hairo noticed that I was bombarded with questions, being unable to control the situation. Kusuo couldn't help me because he's also part of the confusion.

H: SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hairo's clear roar turned the class silent once again.

H: She can't explain if everyone is talking over her!

T: Thank you, Hairo. 

Hairo grins and shows a thumbs up. His model student character is really showing and helping me here.

I walked to Kusuo and dragged him to the front of the class.

T: Saiki here is actually a good actor.

S: I am?

The whole class: HE IS?!

T: He has spent time with my older brother, who's a very good actor.

G1: Isn't her brother Mugami Toru?

G2: The famous actor?!

S: How does meeting your brother have anything to do with being an actor-

N: Teruhashi's bro? Yeah we saw him say Happy Birthday to Pal during his birthday.

Nice timing Nendou!

B4: I guess that makes sense...

B5: Does that really mean he's a good actor?

A portion of the class is convinced, but the general mood of the class is still doubtful and unsure. I might have to take drastic measures.

T: Everyone, 

My gentle pleading voice reaches everyone's hearts. 

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Looks like Kokomi is preparing her speech to sway the masses.

T: I know this is surprising, but this year is our last year of taking part in the culture festival, so I want this year to be the best culture festival we can have. I want this culture festival to be the most memorable play the school has, so we can look back on our friendship and memories together as a class.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now