A Love Letter?!

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

I was in front of the school and I was unnaturally greeted by everyone way earlier than usual. Normally, I would be surrounded by them as soon as I sit down in class. 

N: Good morning, pal!

K: Nice to see you on this peaceful morning, Saiki.

Hairo: Yo, Saiki!

Aren: Good to see you, Saiki.

Yumehara: Good morning, Saiki.

Amidst all the geetings, I feel a bump on the side of my arm. It's Kokomi leaning on to me arm to arm.

T: Good morning, Kusuo.

S: You don't have to be so close in public. You're not even talking to me verbally.

T: It's a way of expression.

I was opening my locker while talking to Kokomi, and something fell out of my locker and to the ground, like it was leaning on to the locker door because it was inserted from the locker opening.

T: What's that?

I crouched down and picked it up. It felt and looked like an envelope. I turned it around and it was sealed with a heart shaped sticker.

...don't tell me,


Everyone: EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During their shock, I grasped at both edges of the envelope, and both of my wrists were held by Aren and Yumehara. They knew that I was about to rip it.

A: Wait Kusuo, I think it would be rude to the girl's efforts if you just got rid of the letter.

Aren being a gentleman as per usual.

K: Also, it might not even be real.

I hope that it's a prank.

Y: Don't you dare. I want to see.

Meanwhile she's just threatening me while being characteristically nosy. Due to their objections and curiousity, I opened the letter with them around and read what was inside.

"Dear Saiki Kusuo," 

The word "dear" almost convinced me to stop reading.

"I'm sorry if this is sudden, but I like you. I love you." 

Y: So thoughtful and brave at the same time!

Why is she reading this with me?

"I couldn't stop thinking about you. I love your maturity, seriousness, air of mystery and everything about you." 


I regret opening this now for an additional reason.

"If you wouldn't mind giving me a reply, meet me after school behind the school building. I'll be waiting. I would be so happy if you show up." 

and there is no name of the sender. Thanks to my psychometry, unfortunately there is a lovestruck girl behind this letter. 

K: Wait, if this is a love letter, does this mean...

They were so caught up with the letter that they forgot about Kokomi the entire time. Everyone turned to Kokomi blankly staring into the distance. She is clearly shocked.

Y: Oh look, it's almost time for class.

H: Oh right it is, let's go everyone!

N: Eh, but I want to read it.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now