Secrets and Futures

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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

The promised day is here. I'm silently waiting in Kusuo's room because Kusuo wanted to bring me somewhere to tell me his secret. Kusuo lends his hand to me and I was brought to a familiar place. A forest with a crater in the middle, and a view of a city. It does look like we're in Japan. 

T: Where are we? 

Kusuo didn't answer at first and walks forward to see the view of the city. It unsettles me that Kusuo hasn't spoken a word this entire time. The same Kusuo that always holds my hand and guides me anywhere he takes me. It's like he's struggling to talk to me, finding what to say to give the best response. 

S:...We're in Oshimai.

T: Oh, Oshimai. We had a trip here with everyone. Why are we here?

Once again, Kusuo doesn't answer me, sounds like he doesn't want to tell me yet. Kusuo dropped the casual tone and started asking me a serious question, while his back is still facing towards me, avoiding eye contact. 

S: Kokomi,

T: Yes?

S: What do you think causes change?

Something that causes change...

T: Us?

S: You're right, we cause change. Human will causes change. 

S: Then what about time? 

T: What about it?

S: Does time cause change?

T: Well, living things age and expire, and things break down and rot.

S: But that's all time does. Time doesn't encourage change, it forces it. People and things change because time forces us to age and expire whether we like to or not. We let time, even if we don't want to, to control our destiny and our day to day.

T:...I guess that's true.

Kusuo turns to the right to show half of his face.

S: So won't you think that it's a good thing if time was out of the picture?


I was shocked. I would never imagine someone as unconcerned as Kusuo to speak against the concept of time. If it was anyone else, this would just be a whim and complaint that we can't manage our time. But this is Kusuo. Kusuo would never waste his words with pointless thoughts. I also know what Kusuo is capable of. Has he meddled with time before? What is he trying to tell me? Kusuo goes back to looking forward and continued.

S: A place where people can change without worrying about the inevitability of death, and the fear of the future of what's to come,

T: Kusuo-

S: It doesn't sound that bad,

T: You're wrong!

Kusuo stopped his statement, giving me a chance to respond.

T: I mean, you're not entirely wrong, even if time doesn't encourage change, time encourages US to change. We all change to the best person we can be to reach the best future we can because we know our lives are short. With this, time and the future becomes a goal, our purpose and our motivation. The future is the future because of time. If there is no future, then we only live in an eternal present. If there is no future, what's the point of change to begin with?

Kusuo silently listens to me the entire time. His tone changes again to a more curious expression.

S: Then what if no one knew that the future stopped existing for everyone, just for six years, because one person doesn't want change?

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now