Valentine Wingmen

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POV: Saiki Kusuo 

T: So Kusuo,

Kokomi has been looking at me with anticipation and sparkling eyes.

T: Do you know what day it is?

S: It's Monday.

T: Well it is Monday. Wait it's not just Monday!

T: It's Valentine's Day!

S: Oh, I guess it is.

T: Are you excited to get chocolates from me?

S: I would be lying if I said I wasn't.

T: I'm worried though,

S: About what?

T: You think you'd get chocolates other girls today ever since your stunt?

S: I prefer not to, especially the fact that the whole point of that stunt was to declare myself as your boyfriend. 

When we finally arrived at the lockers, I opened mine and a stream of chocolates poured from my locker and fell to the ground.

S: Good grief.

I looked to Kokomi and she was clearly panicking from the bold display of my sudden rise in popularity. I looked at the stack of chocolates and noticed something.

S: Kokomi,

T: Yeah?

S: Look at this,

I crouched down and pick up one of the chocolates.

S: All the chocolates are small wrappers. All of these are friendly chocolates more than anything. None of these chocolates look expensive and have a romantic undertone either.

T: Hm,

Kokomi still looks unsure.

S: Do you think the other girls would want to make a move on me after knowing I'm your boyfriend?

T: I guess not.

During our conversation, we were greeted by Hairo.

H: Oh, good morning, Saiki, Teruhashi.

We turn to him holding two big bags filled with chocolates. Kokomi looks surprised at the amount while I've seen it before. I turned to her and continued, 

S: See, I'm not the odd one in this situation. Hairo gets that much every year.

H: That's a lot of chocolates Saiki, you want to borrow one of my bags? 

How resourceful.

When we both sat down in our class, we were approached by Yumehara this time.

Y: Good morning Kokomi, Saiki.

T: Good morning Chiyo.

Y: Uhm, I need you guys' help.

T: Oh, sure, what is it?

Why am I involved?

Y:...there's actually someone I want to give my chocolates to,

T: Is it Kaidou-

Y: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He might hear you!

T: Sorry. Are you too nervous?

Y: There's that, but I'm also scared that something will go wrong like last time.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now