Girls' Tea Time (With An Exception)

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I walked by the famous cafe to see there's  a new sign now at the window. 

"High school student discount 50 percent, Dessert Buffet." 

Jackpot. A discount is always welcome, and since it caters to high schoolers, none of the people I know have that much of a sweet tooth. I get to enjoy as much dessert as I can, and I am not bothered by sitting around groups of high school girls, the dessert is what I came here for. If Toritsuka shows up to check out girls, I'll kick him out. No one bothers the sanctity of dessert buffets.

While I was waiting in line, someone tapped my shoulder.

T: Saiki-kun?

...Of course, if it was just Kokomi, a dessert buffet date is not a bad idea, but she bought friends with her.

Yumehara Chiyo: What is it, Kokomi? Oh, it's Saiki-kun!

S: I thought you would invite Chisato-san.

Kokomi points to another poster that I missed. It's a police notice with a picture of Chisato being restrained by two police officers with a huge "BANNED" word at the top. She probably escaped from the police too.

When we entered the buffet, to our surprise, Chisato was working as an employee to stock the dessert.

T&Y: Mera-san?!

Chisato Mera: Kokomi, Chiyo, good to see you.

T: What are you doing here?

C: Ever since I was banned for eating here, they didn't say that I can't work here, so after begging them so I don't eat dirt for the rest of the month, I get to work here.

Y: Did you get to eat some dessert on the way?

C: I do when they gave some to me, but out of precaution,

She pointed to above her ankle.

C: They gave me an electronic tag.

T: Isn't that for like very serious crimes?

C: Well, it's the only way they can keep an eye on me from eating all of the dessert.

Didn't know there was an electronic tag just for dessert. Alright, time to enjoy my foo-

Y: Saiki-kun,

What does she want?

Y: Can you grab some extra dessert for us in case they run out?

Why do I have to-

T: I can take them for us.

Thank you.

Y: No no no, the man has to be the one to do it, and I want to talk to you about something.

...she just wants me away for a second. 

T: Can you, Kusuo?

I sighed


POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

As soon as Kusuo stood up and left. I asked Chiyo.

T: What did you want to talk about, Chiyo?

Y: If I wanted Saiki gone, you can guess what,

T: Hm?

Y: Don't play dumb, how's your progression with Saiki?

Oh right, I haven't told her.

T: hasn't.


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