Love Score Contest

375 12 1

(Writers Note: Hey everyone, this is RidOne. For the sake of pacing, this chapter and the next will be considerably shorter than usual. But nonetheless, I hope you enjoy. Also, happy belated Christmas and early New Year. See you later everyone, this was RidOne.)

POV: Saiki Kusuo

We were both sitting on the floor in the middle of my room and Kokomi's just staring at me while I'm reading.

T: Kusuo,

I looked up to her.

S: What is it?

T: How much do you love me?

S: I love you very much.

T: I'd expect more fondness if it wasn't you. But maybe there's a chance that I love you more than you love me.

We're competing over this now?

S: I'm not surprised, you're the one who confessed to me.

I noticed Kokomi pouting from my reasoning. Looks like she didn't like that I conceded that easily. Doubt that she's going to give up.

T: Don't you have that power that can measure favorability?

S: The favorability meter?

T: Yeah! I want to see our favorability with each other!


T:...why are you hesitating? Don't tell me you're too shy to show me your favorability of me?

She's teasing me now.

S: Thought my love for you was already shown in what I say and do. I don't see why I have to bring up the meter.


S: What's that supposed to mean?

T: Come on, Kusuo.

I sighed heavily.

S: Fine.

I snapped my fingers and a floating heart shaped machine with a numerical display, decorated with head antennaes and a golden outline shows up. 

S: So you want to go first?

T: I doubt that YOU want to go first.

S: Then you'd be right.

The machine floats to Kokomi and starts rapidly increasing the number over the three digit limit, which happens more times than it should. Throughout the whole thing, Kokomi was looking at me affectionately. The number finalised was 19,010. 

T: That's high! It's your turn, Kusuo.

S: Good grief.

The meter floats back to me and the numbers start increasing in a fast rate again. Kokomi looks at me in surprise because I've kept a straight face the whole time.

S:.........................................this is embarrasing.

T:*He's blushing in shyness it's so cute* 

The final number is 18,988. Can't say I'm happy that my favorability is lower than hers, but at least Kokomi got what she wanted. 

T: Hmmmmmmmm.

I stand corrected.

T: Let's do something fun.

S: Which is?

T: Let's see how high we can raise each other's favorability.

S: And how are you planning to do that?

Kokomi stood up and sat on my lap while both of her arms hug my neck.

T: Like this.

The favorability meter next to me continued to increase until it reached 28,482. Since she's trying very hard, I might as well return the favour. I supported her back and legs and carried her like a princess.

T: Kusuo?!

Kokomi looked to me again and noticed that my hairstyle changed to a middle part. Kokomi  found out that I transformed to my ideal form. 

T: Wha, I thought you didn't like that form!

I put my face near to her and smiled at her.

S: It has its benefits.

It can also help for future plans.

I looked to the favorability meter and it also rapidly increased from it's original number until it reached 28,515. I barely got the number over mine. 

T: No fair. 

Kokomi looks conflicted. She's trying to find another way to increase my favorability.

T: Put me down.

S: Oh, alright.

Didn't expect her to say that, she usually wants to be carried way longer. Kokomi is standing in front of me now with a hesitant look. Whatever she's planning, she's not that confident in. She suddenly started unbuttoning the buttoned up blouse she's wearing. I immediately stopped her by holding her hands. 

S: Stop. 

T: But-

S: It doesn't matter that one of us loves the other more, the number increasing is enough to tell us that we both love each other. 

And realistically, the favorability meter lost all meaning when it reached four digits.

T:...I guess.

To make her feel better, I gently put my hands on her face and kissed her on the lips.

S: I love you.

Kokomi puts her hand on mine that was carressing her cheek.

T: I love you too.

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