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I miraculously stayed away from my temptations this weekend

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I miraculously stayed away from my temptations this weekend. I really did stay curled up on my bed or couch, binge-watching horrible reality TV shows and eating snacks just like I wanted to. It was boring and safe. Just what I needed to rid of my mistakes.

I feel good today, even though it's Monday, I feel put together and refreshed. I needed to stay put and prove to myself that I am stronger than I had been in the last few weeks. I haven't even thought about Harry or dancing with Grace like I thought I would, those times are simply memories I've locked away.

I was expecting some kind of withdrawal, that's what all of these addicts go through when they stop their drug of choice, but I guess I haven't become addicted yet, which makes my soul calmer. It's good to know that I really can stop whenever I want.

I'm excited to be at work today, this month's issue of Strip is being put on shelves as we speak which means we get to have our monthly 'party'. It's the only type of party I'll allow myself at ever again, but it's really just a potluck and Jillian getting wine drunk in her office.

The whole office is buzzing with chatter, putting out their homemade dishes and taste testing other people's. Grace and I are sitting at my desk, nibbling on finger foods while she tells me all about the wild sex she had this weekend.

Apparently, she found some hot girl at a party and when they were going to go find a bedroom, the girl's boyfriend refused to leave her side because he didn't know anyone else at the party. They decided to let him stay in the bedroom, but they didn't let him join in. They made him sit in a chair and watch, and if I know Grace, she probably showed the girl that men don't have a single clue of what they're doing.

Like I said, she is very comfortable with her sexuality.

I'm glad to be able to listen to stories about her adventures and not have to be apart of them. She begged me to come out with her after the amount of attention we got last time, but she didn't ask me more than once. Probably because she could tell I was still in a funk from our previous conversation.

Jillian's door opening with loud laughter spilling out of it broke our conversation. It's rare to see her at all when her work is being put out for the public, it makes her incredibly nervous. She walked out first, blushing and waving the air like she was trying to bring more oxygen to her.

Did she have a meeting today that I didn't know about? I never set anything up on these days. Did she bring Charlie to work?

"Oh, you didn't bother me at all!" She speaks over her shoulder like a swooning teenager. "You come back any time you want to, please send me those pictures and I'll make sure you're on the front page of next months magazine, Harry!"

What the fuck?

My eyes widen as the curly-headed asshole steps out from her office behind her, a playful smile stretching ear to ear and making his dimples pop out. "Jilly, you're too good to me. I didn't know you could be so smart and sexy. Your husband is a lucky man." He skims down her body as they... walk toward my desk?

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