| 25 - Buy Love |

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"Just one more, please

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"Just one more, please. How am I supposed to be away from you all day without a kiss?"

"Harry! I've kissed you ten times already!" I laugh, the both of us leaning over the center console of the car to meet halfway in the middle. "I'm going to be late. I need to go."

"No." He pouts, kissing me one more time. "Should I wait out here all day, just in case you need me?"

I give him a small smile while rubbing the side of his cheek with my thumb. "You probably have work to do too, baby. If I need you, I promise I'll call, just like we talked about."

"And if she says anything mean?" He frowns at me.

"You'll kick her ass," I roll my eyes, "I've got to go. Thank you for driving me. And for getting the coffee. I hate her, but I'm still her coffee bitch." I blow out an annoyed breath before giving him one last kiss and grabbing my bag. I open the car door and step out, but Harry immediately rolls the window down to get my attention again.

"Wait! Here, I packed you a lunch too." He gestures the small cooler bag toward me from the window.

I take it and put it in my purse. "Thank you... I told you I would be fine! You're acting like a mother dropping off her preschooler."

"I know, I know..." He blushes, "I just want you to be taken care of all day. I worry about you here, it's not good for your mental health, all that yelling she does," he says nervously. "I love you, Brin. Have a good day. I'll be here before you're done, okay?"

"Okay," I nod, biting my lip, "I'll see you after work. Have a good day." I lean into the window and give him another peck before stepping away from the car and going to the building.

"You're gonna crush it, Bandit! Kick some lizard ass today!" Harry bellows out, waiting for me to get inside before he can drive off. I turn around and walk backward so I can blow him a dramatic kiss, which he catches and puts over his heart. I giggle and open the door, making my way up to the office as he pulls away.


"You're late and this coffee tastes like shit, Briana." Jillian walks toward my desk, a skittish red-haired girl following after her.

I check the time, seeing that it's only 9:38 and I've been working for at least 15 minutes, so there's no way I could have been that late. "Did your order change?" I ask politely, trying to remember if she mentioned it. "It's the same one from the cafe you like. I can make a note if you–"

"Enough with the constant blabbering. Do you speak just so you can hear yourself? Conceited girl you are." She purses her lips with a head shake. "You're going to be training Millie," she says, pointing behind her. "And do it well, you've been here long enough that you should know me, unless you really are that deep in your ass over some scummy lowlife club owner." She turns abruptly before walking at a quick pace to her office.

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