| 45 - Bachelor |

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The death of a bachelor
Oh oh
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after (woo)
How could I ask for more?
A lifetime of laughter
At the expense of the death of a bachelor

Panic! At The Disco - Death of a Bachelor

possible foreshadow? jk... or am i?

 or am i?***

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Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

If my eyes could roll any harder, they would. Truly, today has tested my patience and if it weren't for the promise of my Bandit laying in my bed tonight, I would have burned down this entire city already.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

Who knew that murdering two people on a whim would cause such a fucking headache? I mean really, you take out a pair of drug-sucking leeches and suddenly the government is asking where they've run off to? I did them a favor if you ask me.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

Don't even get me started on fucking Lillith. She was gracious enough to fit me into her schedule sometime–randomly–in the next two weeks. Lucky me. I can't wait to explain to her, in detail, about my innocent, not-involved wife suddenly becoming a mini-me.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

"Mother fucker!" I slam the back door of my car shut and whip my phone out of my pocket. "What is so important that you've been calling me all day long?!" I shout into the device next to my ear.

"I mean seriously Zayn, I have given you no tasks. I have the live feed of everything on my phone, Brinna is perfectly safe in the house, Chest hasn't been robbed, so unless you're pregnant, you better have a good fucking reason to be calling me!" I clench my jaw, chest heaving in anger as I walk to the car's trunk and open it.

I glare at the annoying hiss the metal releases, pressing my shoulder to my ear as I use both hands to load my paperwork and laptops into a duffel bag, away from the bloody change of clothes in the second bag.

"Maybe if you'd answer your phone ever, you'd be less pissed when people call," he mutters.

"Did you call me to gossip or do you have something you need to say?" I grit, tightening my grip on a stack of folders.

"Yes, actually. I thought you'd like to know that we have plans tonight"


"Yes, actually, we do. Plans with everyone, including"

"Absolutely not."

"Harry, listen! I'm calling to warn you that the guys have something planned and you need"

I roll my eyes and cut him off again. "I'm sure I can handle myself perfectly fine. Thank you for absolutely nothing."

"No wait! They're going to...!"

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