| 15 - Lover Boy |

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I had to force myself to turn my car on and drive away from Brinna's house

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I had to force myself to turn my car on and drive away from Brinna's house. Seriously, I waited outside of my car door for ten minutes debating with myself whether I should go to Treasure Chest and deal with Lillith or if I should turn my phone off and crawl into bed with my pretty girl.

I wish I had chosen the latter, we could have been under her blankets, skin to skin while I played with her hair and told her the sweet things that rattle around in my head all day long. I could have been kissing her like I'd been dreaming of for weeks. I could have had her legs wrapped around my hips while her moans and mewls rang through my ears like Christmas bells.

Instead, I'm sitting in my empty club with Zayn, Niall, and Louis while we wait for Lillith to come by and speak to us about our performance as well as what happened here last month with the fuckers that lost my product.

I've been avoiding telling her because I've been so caught up with the life I've kept more secret than the money laundering. I haven't told anyone about Brin yet because I don't want her name floating around people I work with.

It's not late enough for Treasure Chest to be closed, but only the club part is. I close it once a month when Mrs. Boss Lady wants to check on how we're doing, and I don't like innocent people being here when it happens because she's ruthless and will kill anyone who looks at her for too long. Innocent people don't die under my roof.

This is the stuff I don't want Brinna to be around and I'm not really sure how I expect to keep her away from it when my entire life is being controlled by Lillith. I have to do everything she says with no questions asked, but sooner or later my worlds are going to collide. I can't even tell her about what the club is really used for without her automatically being involved in its activities.

She isn't like everyone else I hang around and she doesn't deserve to be thrown in the mix with them. She's far too delicate and sweet to do what I do, but my job is what allows me to live the way I do and part of that is being able to take care of her like I want to, which means I have to shut up and take it and hope she doesn't end up on this couch with me, waiting for Lil to make her appearance.

"What's gotten into you?" Zayn asks, coughing lightly as he passes me a lit joint. I take it from him and suck in a lengthy drag, hoping I can distract him long enough that he forgets he even asked.

I blow the smoke out and lean back on the couch with my feet up on the coffee table. Niall and Louis are on the chairs, perpendicular to the couch we're on. "Must be moping around after Maggie ghosted him," Niall laughs and takes a drink from the bottle of liquor in his lap. "She practically threw herself at me when I walked into the lobby today."

My eyes shoot to his smug face. I furrow my brows and cock my head slightly, a grin forming on my lips. "Is that what Magnolia told you?" I question, bringing the joint back up to my lips for another hit.

"Said she ghosted you a month ago after you went on a date with some other bitch." He nods with a shrug.

"A date?" Louis perks up. "Harry going on a date and being dumped by his hookup, never thought I'd see the day you get rejected by women," he teases, passing the bottle between him and Niall.

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