| 19 - Use Your Words |

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I'm a firm believer that the notion of sharing is caring is the first of many bullshit rules instilled in kids from a young age

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I'm a firm believer that the notion of sharing is caring is the first of many bullshit rules instilled in kids from a young age. Why should you have to give up your favorite truck just because someone else wants it? Why does another person deserve what's rightfully yours more than you do?

I've never been good at sharing. I'm a generous man, but there are some toys I'm not willing to pass around. My toxic possessiveness has gotten me far in this life and I don't intend to stop now.

My plaything has been taunting me all night, whether she means to or not, and the ache in my bones is growing every second a new set of eyes wander over her figure. She's in my lion's den, yet I feel like her captive. She's the shiniest jewel in my chest and I don't like others touching my treasure.

Call me a hypocrite, she could walk me like a fucking dog, but I've kept her as my secret. I have good reasons to, and even though I can't explain to her why, that doesn't mean she isn't allowed to be pissed at me. My pretty girl is completely worked up and I know better than to make excuses. I'm trying to tread lightly here, and I'm not even really sure what the right answer is. All I do know is that I fucked up. We both know we're not just friends.

I didn't tell my friends her name because I want her all to myself. Her name belongs on my tongue and only mine. She's like a sweet wine dancing around my tastebuds and only I get to relish in her flavor. Giving them her name makes her a thought in their tiny brains and the jealousy in me can't stand that. And maybe I'm worried that she'll see one of them as a better option than me, with the whole I'm-dying-and-they're-not thing.

I'm not trying to pocket her on purpose. I love her on my arm, I would scream her name from the rooftops if she'd let me. I would have put a diamond on her finger already if that wasn't crazy, but the goal is to not hurt her, remember? How pretty would that sound, Brinna Sty-

Stay focused.

More importantly, Ben cannot, under any circumstances, know how important she is to me. The second she has a title, she becomes another pawn for Lillith. We're supposed to inform her of every relationship we enter, not only because you're more likely to rat out the cartel to someone you're serious with, but also because your partner becomes leverage for her to use against you how ever she sees fit.

My pretty girl is not her game piece. I had no choice but to say what I did, and it didn't feel good, but it was necessary. I guess technically she isn't my girlfriend but technically you don't have to be dating to be completely and entirely obsessed with someone. Brinna would be the perfect treat to dangle in front of me, which is why in front of people like Ben, she has to be seen the same way the last fifty girls have been.

She's untouchable by every other person here because of her rightful place on my lap, and although she's unaware of the power she has, I let her put on a show. There aren't many things she isn't allowed to do and I'm not sure I'll ever tell her that. I would rather her push the limits and act like my brat.

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