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Hey! Welcome to the FINAL update of Treasure (:

First and foremost, thank you so much to everyone who's read, voted, commented, added this little story to lists, and more! You guys mean the world to me and I'm so glad you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I wrote Treasure at one of the darkest points in my life, and you guys have no idea how healing it is to see so many amazing people relate to what I was feeling and to know that I never was alone. I love you all and please take care of yourself! <3

If you're not already, make sure to follow me HERE! As well as on Instagram (pap.smeared) and Tiktok (papsmearedwattpad) for updates on future works, bonus chapters, and more!

Treasure may be complete, but you didn't think we were done here, did you? (;

Drum roll please... 🥁


Roses Are Red,
Violets Are Blue,
X Marks the Spot, Bandits.
Get Ready for Part Two.

X PLUNDER - 08/01/24 X

Being a recovering addict is hard

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Being a recovering addict is hard... especially when your drug of choice comes back to haunt you.


(also up top!)


-58 Chapters + Epilogues
-ALREADY WRITTEN! No waiting for updates 😍
-New, crazy adventures and hurdles
-New love 😏👻
-Updates 3x a week

Plunder out 08-01-24! 🖤🥀

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