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"I think I'm going to need a wheelchair to walk around the office today," Grace grumbles in my ear through the phone speaker

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"I think I'm going to need a wheelchair to walk around the office today," Grace grumbles in my ear through the phone speaker.

"You do not need a wheelchair," I laugh, "I can't believe you let him use his whole han–"

"Don't remind me!" she whines, making me pull the phone away to laugh. "Do you think he'll want to see me again?"

"I think he'll have to see you again. He might've left something important up there," I joke, trying to keep my snickering to a minimum.

"You're not helping me, I'm embarrassed!"

I cover my mouth to hold in my thoughts, quickly learning that I can't contain myself. "Like a kangaroo..." I mumble, hoping she won't catch what I said.

"I am not a kangaroo!" The office doors open, revealing a very hungover Grace. She keeps the phone to her ear and I keep mine there too. She stumbles over to my desk, walking cautiously across the polished floor, as stiff as a Barbie but looks the exact opposite.

"I've gotta go, there's a very sick woman in front of me." I smile at her and hang up the phone, tossing it to my desk. "Sunglasses inside and you're wearing pants. This is a new low for you, Gracie."

"Yeah, well I'm afraid if I wear a skirt my fucking uterus is going to fall out, you asshole." She pulls the sunglasses off, not looking at me as they exit her face.

My mouth drops open with a loud gasp. "Holy fucking shit, Grace! Did he give you a black eye?!" I stand from my chair, the wheels rolling back and hitting the window wall. I grab my phone, ready to call Harry to explain to him why his friend is about to be murdered by me.

"Keep your voice down, Brinna!" She winces, "No, he... okay yes, but not on purpose!" She grabs a nearby chair and brings it around my desk, sitting next to me with her hands shielding her face from other people in the office.

"What does that even mean?" I say, unlocking my phone and pulling up Harry's contact information.

She sighs, rubbing her temples with closed eyes. "When we were you know, he had me in midair, facing away from him, and he was going at it, right? Okay well, I had some lotion on, and it made his hands slick from our sweat mixing with it, and I fucking fell off of him and smacked into the floor." She rolls her eyes, glaring at me like she's daring me to say something.

"Oh my..." A laugh bursts from my throat as I scramble to shut up. "I'm so sorry, oh god," I say, physically pinching my lips shut. "Are you... did you... I have so many questions," I mumble around my fingers.

"Yes, I'm fine, and yes I finished." She smirks now, having a hard time holding back her own amusement. She's trying to be mad but the longer we sit here, the more tension is building like a volcano waiting to erupt.

The two of us look at each other in silence for a few seconds more before we both burst out into a full fit of laughter, snorting and tearing up. I'm sure everyone is watching us now, we probably look like dying hyenas, cackling so loud we could wake up the other half of the world.

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