| 47 - For As Long |

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Hey, play the song when you see the (!) thanks xoxo luv u. If the video doesn't work the song is Brooklyn Duo- A Thousand Years Wedding Version

 If the video doesn't work the song is Brooklyn Duo- A Thousand Years Wedding Version***

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My wedding, a beautiful unification of love for us and our entire group of friends. Our family.

I stand nervously above the entire city full of lights, swaying back and forth in the breeze. My hands chill with anticipatory sweat as I glance around each spot that the girls worked so hard to put together.

The firepit is on the opposite side of the roof, with pillows and blankets and wooden crates with sunflowers around the pit for after the ceremony. A table sits on the left side with blue hydrangeas and every food that I could think to tell Grace that Brin had even slightly enjoyed. I can't believe I didn't think anything of the odd question at the time.

And the aisle, a beautiful train of white silk complete with a candle-lit trail. Feathers and white petals litter the ground, surrounded by cushioned bean bag chairs for all of the guests. Niall and Louis stand off to the side, laughing with drinks in hand, adorned in perfectly tailored suits.

Luke is relaxed on one of the oversized chairs, texting his husband like some lovesick puppy. I want that type of love, forever.

"You ready, H?" Zayn leans over my shoulder.

"I've never been so ready." I smile, watching the curtain that Brinna will soon be walking out of. "I'm... I'm nervous, Z."

He pats my shoulder with a chuckle. "Don't be nervous. You were made for each other. This is just one more adventure." He starts to step away from the slightly raised platform. "Oh, one last thing. Don't forget this, we don't want a repeat of the last time she asked about a ring, right?" He laughs and hands me a small white box.

I accept it with a breathy chuckle, opening it to check the huge diamond that my wife requested. It's nearly blinding, just like I wanted it to be. She wanted a rock, so I got her a boulder.

"They're here!" Luke shoots up from his seat, heading straight to the elevator.

"Places, everyone! Sit down and shut the fuck up or so help me!" Zayn orders the rest of us to be good as he follows Luke around the curtain. My nerves skyrocket as my heart thumps so loudly I can't hear anything else.

This is it, Brinna. Our wedding.

I glance up at the archway of flowy wildflowers, smiling to myself as I see every type of flower that I've ever gotten Brin delicately placed around the rooftop.

"Hey!" Tommy walks around the aisle to the podium, not wanting to ruin it before Brinna has the chance to walk down it. He holds his hand out to shake mine.

"Hey, long time no see." I smile shyly, nodding as I keep my eyes on the curtain. "Thanks for doing this."

"No problem, usually I'm dressed up as Elvis or Gaga, but this works too!" He chuckles, standing beside me in his place.

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