| 54 - Anger |

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"Are you sure she can't stay here with us, Bear?" Lola asks for the fourth time, a new round of tears in her eyes

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"Are you sure she can't stay here with us, Bear?" Lola asks for the fourth time, a new round of tears in her eyes.

She's been extra clingy for the last few weeks and I can't blame her. Quite frankly, I've been needing her as badly as she's been needing me.

"She's got work to get done, Honey. If she wants to come over when we're finished, she's more than welcome to, but I don't think Brin is up for anything right now."

Her big brown eyes water until the floodgates unleash. I sigh and screw my eyes shut as my heart clenches. This fucking sucks.

We're all heartbroken.

These last few weeks have been the worst weeks of my entire life. I've never felt the inconsolable ache in my chest the way I have after Harry left us.

"Come here, sweet girl," I murmur, pulling Lola's small frame into my chest. " I need you right now." What a privilege it is to both need her and have her.

"Grace is going to be here soon, okay? You two can stay cuddled up on the couch and watch movies until I get back. Do you want me to order you dinner?" I rub her back soothingly, but it helps no one.

She shakes her head with a sniffle. "I don't want you to leave. And I don't want Brinna to be alone." Her sobs become muffled by my shirt.

"She's not alone because she doesn't have anyone, Lo. She just needs time to herself." I keep her close, pressing soft kisses to the side of her head. "What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Don't leave," she begs, looking up at me with big doe eyes.

I press my forehead into hers. "You know I can't do that. I have work to do."

"Take me with you." She fists my shirt in her small hands.

"Not safe, honey." I swipe my thumbs under her eyes to rid of the fresh tears. "I'm going to be back before you know it and then we can take a shower together and go to bed, alright? Just you and me, sweet girl."

She pulls away with a sad nod, keeping her eyes on the floor. I tilt her chin up toward me and peck her on the lips. "I love you, Lola. I love you so much."

She's been making herself sick over the thought of me not coming back. She won't say it out loud, but I know the guilt is eating away at her, and as badly as she wants Brinna to come over, she doesn't want to rub her relationship in Brin's face.

"I love you," she mumbles, fidgeting with the hem of her sweater. "Will you call me? Please?"

"As soon as I can, baby." I kiss her once more before a knock lands on the door. "Go get Gracie, I'll set up the blankets for you two." I nod toward the door and pat her butt as she walks off.

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