| 29 - New Debt |

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A/N I apologize for the way this chapter is set up  lollll oopsie

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A/N I apologize for the way this chapter is set up  lollll oopsie

My corduroys ride up well over my ankles as I sit in the wooden chair in the middle of the dean's hallway for the third time this week. I've asked Mum for a new pair but she said she'll have to hem them again.

She's already done that twice and the other kids are starting to notice.

It's cold in here, usually, but my ugly school blazer is making me far too hot. I wish I could take it off. I get so itchy when I'm hot. That would just give them something else to write me up for. I'm sure they'd like one more reason to get me in trouble.

"What has he done now?" Mum asks in the same weary voice she's had for a long time.

She's sad. I think it's because of me. I don't try to make her upset but I can't help it.

"Mrs. Styles"

"Anne, please. Please call me Anne."

"Anne... Harry's had a bit of a streak lately. He's got a violent tendency and this time he's gone too far." Headmaster Williams tries to be gentle, but we all know Mum is going to cry. She always cries at these things.

"How bad?"

"He broke a boy's arm. Completely unprovoked. He had to be taken to the hospital for the damage.  I can't have Harry around the other children. He's dangerous."

He threw a rock at a bunny.

I saw the blood.

He deserved every crushed bone.

"He's not dangerous! He's-he's just different!"

"He's been expelled, Anne. He'll have to go somewhere else. He can't come back after today."

"This is the third school he's been in this year! Where am I going to put him? This was our last option."

I hate to hear her cry. Dad never makes her cry. He's going to be angry with me for making her upset.

"Harry!" Mum shouts as she storms out of the office.

I don't say anything.

"Look at me!" She grabs the collar of my shirt, "What have you done? Do you have any idea how difficult you've made this? Why can't you be normal?" she cries.

I can't control it.

I try to stop the bad thoughts but they're so loud.

He hurt the bunny. I saw the blood. He deserved it. I needed to protect it.

"You're going to ruin your life if you keep acting like this! What am I going to do with you?" she yells.

I hurt him. I saw the blood. He deserved it. I protected the bunny.

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