| 34 - Birthday Girl |

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Will you take care of me?
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease

House of Gold - Twenty One Pilots


I've never cared much for birthdays

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I've never cared much for birthdays. I don't like surprises, I don't like having to entertain crowds of people, and the reminder of being one step closer to my death brings me an undeniable, headache-inducing dread. I would rather scrape my balls across hot cement for all of eternity than have to sit through one singular birthday party.

That is, unless the birthday party is for my most favorite person in the whole wide world.

My Bandit.

"Haaaappy biiiirthday to youuu"

My singing quickly gets cut off by her small snores. I've been waiting for hours already, too jittery to sleep any longer because of the busy day ahead of me. She won't be doing anything but being pampered, while the boys and I will be setting up her surprise party in the club.

"Brinna," I whine, sitting on the bed harder than necessary while still being careful with the lit cupcake in my hand. "Wake up and let me give you attention," I draw out. She doesn't move.

"Fine," I sigh with a dramatic eye roll. A mischievous smile creeps up my lips as I set the treat down on her nightstand–a piece of furniture I had specially ordered after only having one. It completes the set, and the things on it bring a smile to my face when I think about who's using it.

"I guess I'll have to wake my sleeping beauty with a kiss..." I crawl on top of her, careful to not put my full weight down. I pucker my lips dramatically as I lean down, my hair falling and tickling her nose. Kissy noises leave my lips as I try to keep my laughing in. I place a long kiss on her lips, to which she scrunches her eyebrows and tries to roll over to continue her peaceful sleep.

"What a shame, guess I'll have to keep kissing you." I shrug and let a little of my weight sit on her as I lean down and peck her face softly, starting on her cheeks and moving around the entirety of her soft complexion. She hums out, wiggling under me but her tired state is no match for my determined one.

"Wakey wakey..." I kiss the side of her exposed neck. "I bet an orgasm would wake you up." I nip at her lobe, tugging slightly. "My face between your legs, kissing up your slit..."

She stirs more, a deep breath filling her lungs and pushing her chest closer to mine. I grin, hoping that I'm ruining whatever dreams she's having with my filthy words. "How about my fingers, baby?" I kiss her neck again as I suck lightly on the skin. I know this is going to backfire as I'm already growing hard just thinking about devouring her.

"My tongue, flicking up and down until you're shaking." I flatten my tongue out on her neck, licking a bold stripe up her jaw and to her cheek.

"Harry?" A delicate little squeak stops me dead in my tracks. "What are you doing?"

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