| BONUS - Magnolia No More |

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This chapter takes place between chapters 21 and 22! It is a flashback situation, NOT a continuation of where we ended! XXXO, Pap <3



Happy wife, happy life.

Happy wife, happy life, happy Harry.

Wife not happy. Life a wee bit rocky. Harry fix problem.

Maybe I have been watching too much caveman shit. Maybe I should have watched James Bond instead... or... or maybe like, a jewel heist? Who am I kidding, this is fine. I'll fix the problem outside of the den so my one day wife will be happy inside of the den.

I'm not happy about giving up more time with my Treasure, but as her loyal, devoted, clinically normal husband, it's my duty to ensure her happiness at all times, no matter the cost. The only, and I mean only problem I have with this is the fact that I have to see Magnolia again. If I can help it, I won't touch her, but my eyes will have to be bleached afterward.

I haven't even gotten up yet. Rolling to my side, my eyes land on the only woman I've ever truly loved. She tied her hair into a braid last night. She's pretty no matter what, the most beautiful treasure I've ever seen, but fuck I want to run my fingers through her scalp and make her purr.

You know when you scratch behind a cat's ear just right and their little eyes squeeze shut, all fuzzy and cute and shit? And they're warm, like fresh chocolate chip cookies or hot cocoa with whipped cream, enough to make your chest feel fuzzy and calm. She's like that, and she even nuzzles deeper into my touch with that sleepy little expression. I fucking love this woman.

But, now is not the time to make her melt in my hands. I shouldn't even touch her right now, even if I want to use her as my blanket and steal all of her warmth for myself.

"I love you, Brinna Noelle," I whisper, barely audible through her light snores and the soft hum of the apartment. "I'm going to do something for you, but you can't know about it. I know I've had to keep a lot of secrets for you, for us, but after this, I promise no more lies."

Tiny snores leave her parted lips, perfectly plump and kissable. Mm, kisses. I observe her for a few minutes longer, watching her steady breaths rise and fall from her back. If I stay any longer, I'm not going to want to leave. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can get back into bed and hold her forever. And ever, and ever, and ever, and–


With an air kiss and about forty more seconds of departing love proclamations, I finally get up. The bedframe groans as I maneuver my legs to the edge of the bed. Hers is smaller than mine and I prefer it that way. That way, she can't escape my love attacks. Like a hungry shark in the deep ocean, she is my snack. Yummy.

I was prepared for this. Well, not this situation exactly, but I try to stay at least ten steps ahead of everyone all of the time. Exhausting? Yes. Useful? Sometimes. Now is one of those times, which means that the extra clothes I stashed in Brin's living room in case I had to leave abruptly are being put to use. I can't risk waking her up if I stumble around trying to get into a pair of pants or some shit.

Tiptoeing to the bedroom door, I risk one last glance and two more air kisses at my sleeping Bandit before gently opening the door and stepping out. And then a third air kiss before shutting it quietly. I know her place like the back of my hand, so with ninja-like accuracy, I avoid all of the creaky spots in the hallway with large, uneven steps.

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