| 28 - Just Say Yes |

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I think I'm out of sperm

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I think I'm out of sperm. The amount of sex we've had in the last 6 days is actually insane. I don't know how my dick hasn't shriveled up and fallen off from the amount of work he's putting in.

We've been flip-flopping from her place to mine every couple of nights and it's safe to say that no surface has gone untouched by ass cheeks or ball sweat.

It's physically impossible for our hands to keep to themselves. She looked delicious in my t-shirt while she padded around the kitchen cooking breakfast the other morning.

"Fuck, Harry!" she yells, our skin slapping together as the pancakes burn behind us. My hand around her throat tightens as I feel her clench around me, the fire alarm muffling her moaning as I pound harder into her bent over the counter.

And she couldn't help herself from getting on top of me when she was showing me another one of her favorite movies at her place. 

Her hand has been in my pants the entire time Les Misérables has been playing. "Pay attention, this is the good part," she says for the fifth time. How am I supposed to focus on the dying prostitute when she's stroking my cock? Her eyes stay deadlocked on my hardness as she pulls it out and clambers on top of me. "Watch the movie!" she hisses, pushing her underwear to the side before sinking down on my length. "Y-you're missing the good part..." she moans, rocking herself on top of me.

I should probably make a note to clean the stairs more often if we aren't going to make it up them again.

"That's right, fucking take it," I groan, holding her thigh as her leg is over my shoulder. Her tits bounce every time I thrust into her, knocking her back into the wooden stairs. My hand tangles into her hair as I pull her head back to look at me. She's almost got tears in her eyes from the way I'm fucking her.

We have done absolutely nothing but eat, sleep, and sex. My energy levels are great right now and it's a good thing because I'm not sure who's keeping up with who anymore. She seems to be just as crazy as I am.

The nothingness has included not going to work while my pretty thing prances around carefree. I think I could watch her all day long. In fact, I have been and it's showing by the amount of texts I've been getting from the boys. She's a very welcomed distraction and I'm not complaining.

I'm also not complaining about all of the girly things scattered around my bathroom, bedroom, and closet. My dad used to say as a man, you provide her a foundation and she'll make you a home.

I quite like watching her run around and work her magic. Brinna is like a little packrat in the cutest way possible, scurrying about and making her nest. She's leaving her artwork in the form of clothing and pink bathroom products and I am a happy, happy man.

I'm currently showering away my naughty thoughts in cold water while my Bandit is getting dressed after hers. The amount of things women use to get clean is crazy. I used to use one soap for my entire body and a loofah to scrub between my ass. She's got me using multiple steps on my hair to get it clean and then she fills it with product before diffusing it or some shit.

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