| 44 - Bears Eat Honey |

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Arguably the most vital emotion when it comes to how we, as humans, coincide. Love makes the world go round. 

Love makes the birds sing. The sky blue. The flowers open up each morning for the bees to spread pollen.

Love has made me rethink everything I once knew. I wouldn't wake up every morning with the warmth of another person had that one emotion not been so primally engrained in my brain. It's in everyone's mind. Inescapably.

That's the thing about love. The biological urge is responsible for beautiful things, like the life I wish to have with Lola. I love love.

But somehow, that emotion has seeped into the basement of the hottest nightclub in Vegas and straight into a set of love-blind villains who are slowly but surely creating a pathway of bodies leading nowhere in particular.

Out of love.

Love that bleeds the color of fresh pomegranate and screams until there is no more light behind dull eyes. Over, and over, and over again.

What are they at now? Five? Five innocent people dead at the hands of two deranged Styles.

"Just make sure you lock up," I sighed, scratching my chin with my freshly scrubbed fingers. "We don't need a repeat of... any of this."

This, being body four and five. Colette and Michael Harper, ages 41 and 42 respectively, from a small town on the outskirts of Kentucky where the drug supply was good enough. Until it wasn't, and then the pair found themselves tied up at the hands of their daughter and her deranged Cupid.

Self-proclaimed orphan was not on my cartel bingo card but yet again, the Styles name has blown me away with the absolute chaos that is Harry and Brinna. Love put the Harper family on this earth and love took them out, too.

And who cleans their messes? Me. I do, over and over and–

You get it.

Cleaning up is not the only thing I'm good for, thankfully.

"Why am I here again?" Louis slumps into a beanbag chair, kicking his dirty sneakers all over the white cushions my Lola set up for the evening.

"You're here," I pant, wiping the sweat from my face with the bottom of my shirt, "because we all love Harry and Brinna and want them to experience the best of life together while they can."

"Do we?" He cringes.

I shoot him a pointed glare. "Yes, we do. Even if some of us have been flaking out ever since the psycho found his match." I roll my eyes and lift my shirt over my head. The stupid flimsy fabric was doing nothing for my overheating, anyway.

"Maybe some of us don't want to watch others suck face all day long," he quips, bouncing his knee impatiently.

I snort out a laugh. "Right, because that's the issue. Not because you're jealous of the attention your best friend is giving someone else." I turn, stopping in my tracks. "Someone that he fucks, might I add," I say, looking him up and down.

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