| BONUS - Pancakes For Two |

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(; feeling a wee bit peckish. Pancakes, anyone?

This is the first smut snippet in chapter 28 that I robbed you of! 🙈


I'm a simple man.

I enjoy many things–fresh fruit, buttery, cakey morning confections. I see a theme here. I like to eat. Food is essential to live, we all know that. A proper meal makes all the difference on a busy day. You've got to get your energy from somewhere, and yet, even burning my own energy between the legs of my breakfast, I feel nothing but energized.

"Harry...!" Brinna moans, ass on the edge of the marble counter while my tongue laps up the raw sweetness of her pussy. She tastes like fresh, juicy strawberries. "The–the pancakes, Harry!"

I groan against her, tongue running up her folds as her hips rock, effectively fucking my face. "Fuck the pancakes," I murmur, diving back into her clit. I suck the bud into my mouth, causing her legs to tremble as I push them open wider.

Her back arches, nipples hardened and tits bare for my viewing pleasure. Her palms stay planted behind her, providing what little stability she has left to keep herself upright while I feast. She looks so pretty when she's losing herself on my tongue, with her jaw slack and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. If only she could see herself like this... mmm.

"I thought...I..." She can't even finish her words because I'm too busy swirling up her thoughts with my tongue. "I thought you wanted breakfast," she pants, rolling her head down to watch me with flushed cheeks.

I smile, chuckling at the way she doesn't realize that I got exactly what I wanted. Without another warning, I pull my mouth away from her pussy and stand from the floor. She gasps, pouting and writhing from the loss of contact but my hands splayed on her thighs stay where they are.

She tries to close her legs, to give herself any sort of relief she can, but I plant myself between them and take her mouth on mine before she can protest. My hands stroke up her thighs, thumbs kneading into her soft skin until I make it to her hips where they draw circles.

My tongue swipes over her bottom lip before I bite softly, a silent warning to open for me. She whimpers into the kiss and complies, opening her mouth enough for me to slip my tongue inside. I can't get enough of her, how warm she is and how good she smells. She smells like me, like she's mine.

One hand finds its way to the small of her back, pulling her impossibly closer to my body while the other draws lazily up her spine until she's pushing her perfect tits into my chest. Her legs wrap around my hips, stopping me from going anywhere as if I'd even try.

Our kiss is broken apart by my smile but I can't stop myself from leaving tiny pecks all over her lips. "How do you taste?" I whisper against her, groaning against her lips at just the thought of how she feels on my tongue.

"Sweet..." she replies, clinging on to my shirt and pulling me in closer.

"So sweet," I agree, moving my lips down her jawline and to her neck. "So sweet on my tongue, so sweet with those little noises you make, so fucking sweet. But..." I pull away, only to peck to the tip of her nose and get distracted by the way her brows pull together in confusion.

"But?" she repeats.

"But you're missing something," I say casually, peering around her shoulder at all of the pancake toppings she set out earlier. Smirking, I lean around her to reach for the bottle. She raises a brow and attempts to look over her shoulder, but I squeeze her thigh to catch her attention.

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