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It took an extra thirty minutes to leave my house today

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It took an extra thirty minutes to leave my house today. I actually woke up earlier than usual, but the curly-headed mythological sex mermaid managed to have his breakfast before we even removed the blanket. I had to take a cold shower before I climbed back into bed and stayed naked with him all day.

Which of course he joined me for, and not even cold water stops a siren's song, apparently. His hands kept roaming all over my body, not entirely sexual but like he couldn't get enough of the feeling of my skin under the pads of his fingers. We finally made it out of the bathroom after brushing our teeth to get dressed in my bedroom. He tried to pick out my undergarments but I refused to wear a red lace bra and matching thong.

He said that wearing nothing was better than the set he picked out, which was not at all what I meant. That didn't stop him from being completely mesmerized by the plain white underwear I chose, though. He was being extra affectionate with small pecks all over my body except for my lips.

He told me he wouldn't kiss me until I believed he wasn't going to leave me and he was keeping true to his word. It's pretty clear that his infatuation with me is only growing and I can't say mine isn't either. Waking up with him was a new kind of calm. He's so warm and his arms fit around me like they were meant to be there.

He practically begged me to let him drive me to work, but if Jillian really does bite my head off for leaving with Harry yesterday, I don't want to have to wait for him. Plus, I think he needs a second to cool down. He's so worked up from being with me that I'm afraid he's going to burst.

Of course, he hugged me for at least five minutes before letting me get in my car and drive away. He stood and watched the whole time until I turned the corner off my street. I can't lie, even though I was later than I'd liked to be today, I really liked Harry being with me this morning. He certainly woke me up and started my day in a way that I couldn't even think about what was waiting for me when I got to my job.

I called Grace to take care of Jill's usual coffee for me and told her I had a lot of juicy stories for her when I got there. Of course, she knew it was about Harry because she was the one who messaged him yesterday to get him to talk to me.

I was mad when he showed up, and I was even more mad at her for texting him behind my back, but I guess I needed a little push. I missed Harry's presence when he was gone, and even though I really hate the sound of that because we didn't spend that much time together, I'm glad he's back in my life for now. My own stubbornness wouldn't have let me talk to him without Grace doing what she did.

But of course, that stupid nagging voice in the back of my head loves to remind me that we've been seeing each other for less than 24 hours at this point, and while it feels good, it could be temporary. I need to take more than a day to think about what I want with him. I have to pace myself so my feelings don't get crushed again. My insides are screaming at me to launch myself full force at him, but my brain knows better than that.

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