| 17 - Feel Real |

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I haven't seen Brinna in two days and I think my heart is about to explode if I have to be away from her any longer than I already have been

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I haven't seen Brinna in two days and I think my heart is about to explode if I have to be away from her any longer than I already have been. She asked me to meet her for lunch on Thursday, and obviously, I wasn't going to tell her no.

I might have lied and made it seem like I truly wasn't busy, but there was no way I could tell her I was cleaning blood out of the room in my basement that was currently holding the body of the man who tried to rob Zayn during a deposit.

I know he's starting to get pissed at me for flaking out on our responsibilities but Brin comes first, always, no matter what I'm doing. I couldn't tell her no even if I wanted to, but I didn't want to at all.

Which is getting me into trouble. I'm supposed to double our intake by the end of the month, and while it seems easy enough to just throw some extra fake cash into the bag before I take it to the bank, I can't just double it without it looking suspicious. I keep our income pretty indistinguishable so any big outlier is going to get looked into. I have to figure out a way to draw more people into the club so it looks legit.

I've been so caught up in Brinna that I fell behind again which means I've been at Treasure Chest for the last two days, working on dividing up the washed cash to pay people and the unwashed cash so everyone can clean it. We've been slowing down a lot lately, and I need to fix it before I let it get too far gone. Zayn's been reminding me that while I do run this operation, I'm not the one in charge of the entire thing, and the woman who is will not hesitate to end me.

I was so close to asking Brinna if she would stay in my penthouse so I could crawl into bed with her both nights after I finished working. I would have loved nothing more than for her to be waiting for me, dressed in my clothes and lying in my sheets. She's never even been in my home before but it felt emptier every time I walked back into it without her.

I let her know that I would be extra busy with the club so she didn't think I was leaving her and I texted her every chance I got. Maybe it was overkill, but my triple texts were surely proof to her that I'm not going anywhere, right? I just needed her to know that even when I'm not with her, she's the only thing on my mind. I made sure to tell her good morning and good night, I sent her dinner, and I even had one of my hoodies delivered to her house for her to sleep with while I couldn't be next to her.

She asked me to do none of that. She was perfectly fine with me having to work since I've been with her pretty much every waking moment I can be, but that doesn't mean I don't feel an unabating need to make sure she's taken care of and comfortable if I can't be with her.

I don't know when she'll forgive me for leaving her the first time but I'm doing what I can to prove to her I'll be better while also trying to make sure I don't get brutally murdered by an elderly woman for skipping my day job.  

Luckily though, I can stop obsessing over her from a distance because I've finished with distributions and I'm taking her out tonight. I haven't told her that yet, but I've been texting her all day and I know she isn't doing anything tonight, so I'm going to surprise her and take her to one of the more relaxed spots. It'll be just the two of us and a good view.

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