| 10 - Leave A Mark |

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I don't know what's gotten into me, but this feeling is good

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I don't know what's gotten into me, but this feeling is good. This isn't like the other times that I've gotten too drunk, or too high, and then woken up the next morning to regret every single second of it. Our night hasn't even ended, but I already know this is different.

I didn't have to abuse a substance to have fun. I had fun with Harry. I didn't hate it, and I didn't break my rules to do it.

How could he have possibly known that I didn't want to drink? He never even once asked if I wanted one, not out of rudeness, but because he had a goal in mind for tonight and that didn't include us being wasted again.

I'm on an adrenaline high, like the ones I get from my petty theft crimes but this time it's.. bigger. This isn't a small jolt of electricity, this is a whole electrical fire. This is the feeling people chase. This is what I've been both searching for and running from.

I didn't hurt anyone doing this. I didn't ruin a family, or a marriage. I didn't get addicted to something, and I didn't have to use something to feel this good. I'm not like them.

... you can't get addicted to this, right?

That's a bridge I'll have to cross later, because after a 20-minute car ride through shit traffic, with Harry's hand grazing up my thigh the entire time, I'm going to go feral if I don't rip his clothes off and bone him right the fuck now.

He slams the car into park, practically crashing it into the curb and ripping the seatbelt off of my body to get me out of his car faster. He jogs around the car to catch up with me speed walking through the grass to the hallway where my front door is. We probably look like we're trying to murder someone being so frantic.

I open my stupid tiny purse, scrambling through it to try and find my keys. I don't know why I put so much shit in this bag, I never use any of it and its becoming a major fucking cockblock.

We're both stopped in front of my door, me digging through the bag and Harry holding my hips and pressing sloppy kisses into my neck making it even harder to focus on these goddamn keys. I think his lips have poison in them, I can hardly focus every time I feel the warmth of him back on my skin. He's probably one of those frogs people lick to get high.

"Finally!" I rip the key ring out of my purse, trying to shove the silver piece into it's slot and failing miserably. The ordeal is making me laugh out of frustration, but also because the entire thing is so horny-teenager of us. Harry leans in closer to me, putting one of his hands on the door above my head while his lips suck a sweet spot behind my ear.

"If you don't hurry up I'm going to end up fucking you right here for all of your neighbors to see," he rasps into my ear, cold air blowing onto the wet spot making me shiver. I use the last remaining ounce of will power I have left and focus on the task in front of me.

I let out a frustrated groan and finally shove the key in, twisting it and bursting through the door like cops raiding a drug den. The two of us are kicking off shoes and popping buttons, shirts being ripped away like we're on a schedule with our clothes leaving a trail to my bedroom.

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