| 09 - Pony |

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hellour, play the song when u see the (!) xxxo
If the link doesn't work, the song is Ginuwine - Pony (slowed)

***hellour, play the song when u see the (!) xxxoIf the link doesn't work, the song is Ginuwine - Pony (slowed)***

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It's 7:02 p.m. and I'm sitting on my couch, trying to stop myself from leaving right now to pick up Brinna. I've been ready for an hour already. I'm excited to take her out tonight, I had to make a few calls, but I've got something good planned and I hope it makes her laugh. I honestly feel like a giddy teenage girl going to prom.

I really hope it makes her laugh..

This could be the stupidest thing I've ever done, and I might blow any chance I have at seeing her ever again, but she deserves fun and I couldn't think of anything better than this. It doesn't require drinking, there won't be any drugs, and she still gets to dance which I know she loves to do. We even get to take a nice walk past some pretty lights before we get there.

My knee is bouncing and I can't stop glancing at my phone to check the time. It's pretty much dark outside, but the city lights keep it illuminated. I have a nice view from my livingroom, if the clouds are away I can see a little bit of Brinna's work too.

I decided to just wear a plain black T-shirt and a pair of jeans. We're probably going to get hot, so I didn't feel like my usual work button-up. All of my rings are on and I even put some type of cream shit in my hair to make my curls look better.

I don't do things like that usually, but the woman at the salon wouldn't shut the fuck up about my hair when I was getting a trim, so I bought all of the products she recommended so she would stop talking. They work, though. My hair has never looked better.

I wonder if Brinna will like it.

I check my phone again, the screen lighting up the dark space around me. 7:10. I groan and throw my head back to the back of the couch. Is it that bad to show up early? I could walk her around the longer way and we could people watch. That's almost as fun as the place we're going, there are so many crazy things to see on the strip.

Maybe we can catch the Bellagio show if I leave now.

Fuck it, I'm leaving. Who cares if I show up half an hour early? Maybe she likes punctual men.

I jump up from the couch, hopping lightly on my feet. I walk toward my front door where the entry table is and give myself one more look over before grabbing all of my things.

Phone, keys, wallet- oh shit, right. The check.

I wrote a check for the host tonight, I felt bad calling with such short notice but he was so chill about the whole ordeal. I can't believe he let me do this, he gave us front-row seats and promised that he would have everything set in place by the time we got there.

I wrote him a check as a thank you, and as an apology because he had to cancel someone else's reservations in order to get us the best seats. I'm sure they're going to leave him a nasty review after that.

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