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I slept over at Brin's last night

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I slept over at Brin's last night. We spent the entire day floating around from her couch to her bed, watching her favorite movies and cuddling. I really tried my hardest to be good, but my fingers managed to find their way into her pants too, and after so many orgasms, we just kind of fell asleep nestled into each other.

I woke up to multiple phone calls from my friends, as well as my lawyer, about the magazine pictures. It's pretty normal for things like that to happen, and if anything, they probably helped my business while the article was out for a few hours. I mean, tourists see drugs and sex and they flock toward it, it certainly didn't harm me in any way.

In any way except for the fact that Brinna was in the pictures. No one else cared about being in them, not even Grace apparently, but the guys all knew that I would be pissed the second I found out about it, so they made sure to tell me before I saw for myself. It's a good thing too, because my reaction would have been a lot worse had they not said anything.

They really talked me down from the ledge. I was about thirty seconds away from burning down the entire publishing building with everyone inside of it. Luckily, I settled for paying them off and pulling every single copy from the shelves. It was super early in the morning, like four in the morning early, so very few copies had been purchased.

Unluckily for the rat  responsible, I have so many cameras in my club that I can follow a  person the entire night from every single angle you can possibly imagine. That made it very, very easy to find the dumb mother fucker who thought it was a good idea to take pictures of my angel.

Was he there to target her, or even any of us? Not necessarily. Was he only doing his job, that being tarnishing Jillian's reputation? Sure, but he made a deadly mistake in using my Treasure to do so, and now he gets to pay for it. Taking care of her means eliminating any threats I see, so he's got to go and I'm going to enjoy every second of it.

Well, maybe coked up, whiskey-for-blood Harry would enjoy every second of it. It's not easy to brutally murder people when you're sober, which is why I needed to see her before I went back to the club. I was sort of hoping she would give me the motivation I needed to get the job done. Don't get me wrong, I'll be ending him whether I'm high or not, but it certainly makes it easier to not remember it afterward.

Much to my displeasure, Brinna's going back to work today. I tried to gently convince her to let me handle whatever it is that she needs to be handled, but she's a stubborn one and evidently doesn't like the thought of accepting help.

I have a feeling that's from many years of being alone while she took care of her parents. She probably feels like it's easier to rely on only herself since she managed to do it for so long already. But I wish she would take a break and let me be her keeper. I would give anything to have her fill my home with all of the things she spent the day shopping around for. My empty flat could use her touch, the place doesn't feel warm like hers does.

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