| 48 - Spoiled Bitches |

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hellour, yk the drill. play the song when you see the (!) (; if the video doesnt work, the song is Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky xxxo enjoy

 play the song when you see the (!) (; if the video doesnt work, the song is Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky xxxo enjoy***

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"Count day! Count day! Count day!" Niall chants, busting into the club curtains. I spin slowly on the barstool, popping a nut into my mouth with a chuckle.

"Shut the fuck up, would you?!" Harry yells from behind the bar before sliding me a virgin cocktail. "Why are you so happy to be here?" He glances at Niall's frat-boy-like attitude.

"Looks like Treasure Chest isn't the only one on her time of the month, huh?" He pokes his tongue out at Harry before sitting on the stool next to mine.

"Now that everyone has so graciously decided to show up..." Harry sends Niall a snide smile, "We'll get the count done, figure out how much we need to cut for her this month, and then she'll be here later tonight."

"So why is the girl one here?" Louis asks, as if I'm not sitting a few seats down from him.

"Because she makes sitting around a bunch of twats like you bearable." Harry smiles, leaning over the bar to kiss me. I cup his face and force my tongue in his mouth for extra effect until Louis groans in disgust. I pull away with a snicker and wait for them to continue.

"You sure it's safe for her to be here?" Zayn cuts in, eyeing me skeptically.

"I'll be gone when you guys go to the basement." I shrug. "Don't worry, I don't plan on going back down there for... a long time." A cringe pulls on my lips as I turn back to my bowl of mixed nuts.

"Woah, woah, don't be hasty now." Niall leans into my ear, "I wouldn't mind a front-row seat to the next show, got it sweetheart?" He pulls away with a laugh as Harry sends him a stone-cold glare.

"Speaking of which, this month wasn't great, so we might want to get it going." Zayn jumps up from his stool, Louis following quickly behind him.

Harry turns to me slowly, leaning his forearms on the bar as I smile at him. "You gonna be okay getting back to the house?" he asks gently, brushing my hair behind my ear.

I snicker and lean forward. "Do you need me to be your damsel so you can get out of work again, Mr. Big Bad Mafia Man?"

He shakes his head gently. "Let me know when you get inside, okay? And lock the doors." He walks around the bar, heading toward the basement. "I'll be home in a few hours. Don't come back down here unless I tell you to, Bandit! I mean it!"

I watch as he jogs to catch up with everyone else, the four of them disappearing into the hidden basement. I pick at my bowl of shitty snacks for a few minutes longer before deciding to do them a favor and clean up the bar. They won't let me anywhere near the basement or Lillith so the least I can do is straighten up the club before she gets here.

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