| 32 - Senile Old Woman |

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My head whips around at the sound of a gun cocking, and when I see it's aimed directly at my shaking Treasure, my animalistic urge to protect her goes crazy. Before I know it, she's shoved behind me, shielded by my body as my own gun is drawn and aimed at the guard standing next to fucking Lillith.

The back of my shirt is balled into her small hands, her face buried in my back as I stand completely stone-cold. She's so tense that I can't even feel her breathing as if she's actually holding it in.

I hate to feel you so scared. You don't understand, Brinna. I would take down this entire city for you. No one is going to touch a single hair on your beautiful head, and it's taking everything in me to control myself because if I make the first move, I might have to actually end Vegas.

"Put that goddamn gun down if you know what's good for you," Lillith huffs, clearly already pissed off.

This is my karma. I lied to Brin, and now the universe has put the truth in my face. I'd love to say well played, but I'm about to go crazy and murder a senile old woman if she steps any closer to my Treasure. God, if you're listening, I'd really like to not do that so maybe strike her down for me. Satan? Anyone? Does anyone want to take their shot at her?

"Not until he does." I grip mine tighter, jaw clenching as me and the Russian motherfucker keep our eyes on each other. "Aim it at her one more fucking time and your brain is going to be on my window."

Lillith looks up at him from her wheelchair, smacking the guard with the cane she's holding. "What's the matter with you? Aiming a goddamn weapon at a woman!" He clears his throat and flicks his eyes between the two of us before lowering it back to his side.

That's right, you bald mother fucker.

"Why are you in my house?" I lower mine next, tucking it into the back of my pants. Brinna flinches as it passes between us, making my heart ache at the fact she has to see me like this with no warning. She didn't even know that was hidden in the entry table.

"I own you, boy. You don't get to question me." She stands, hobbling with the cane. "You know I don't like people snooping around in my business." Her eyes lower to my arm holding Brinna's hand behind my back. "This doe-eyed little thing is the reason my money has been fucking low and you're going to take care of that problem, or I will."

"She doesn't have anything to do with Chest," I seethe, my teeth almost breaking from the tension between them. "She wouldn't have ever known if you didn't show up here."

"Get out from behind him," she barks.

The last thing I want to do is let her see my shiny Treasure. But I know better than to push too many buttons.

My hand drops from hers as I turn. She's shaking still, probably from having a fucking weapon drawn on her in her own home. "You're okay, sweet girl," I whisper, pulling her arm to stand next to me instead of behind me. "They're not going to hurt you, I promise." I kiss her head as she stares between Lillith and the guard.

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