Chapter 7:The enchanting woman

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In the arms of the beautiful woman who cradled me like a small baby, I felt a sense of warmth and safety that I had never known before. Her presence radiated a kind of comfort that seemed to wash over me, and for a moment, I allowed myself to relax into her embrace.

But as I became more aware of my surroundings, confusion and fear began to well up within me. I didn't recognize this place, and the woman's face, though beautiful, was unfamiliar. Panic clawed at my throat as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

The woman's soft voice, filled with patience and encouragement, reached my ears. "It's all right," she murmured, her words a soothing melody. "You're safe here. Can you find your voice, my dear?"

I swallowed hard, my throat dry and constricted. I wanted to respond, to tell her that I didn't understand where I was or how I had ended up here. But my voice eluded me, as if it had been lost in the depths of my fear and confusion.

Desperation filled me as I continued to struggle to find the words. My hazel eyes met hers, searching for answers and reassurance. The woman's gaze held a depth of understanding, as if she knew the turmoil that churned within me.

With every ounce of determination I could muster, I finally managed to form a single word, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "Who?" I croaked, my voice barely more than a whisper.

The woman's smile was gentle and encouraging, her eyes filled with compassion. "My name is Athena," she replied, her words a lifeline in the sea of my confusion. "And you, my dear, are?"

I hesitated for a moment, the weight of my unanswered questions pressing on me. But then, with a sense of trust in the warmth of Athena's embrace, I whispered my name. "Liliane."

As the word escaped my lips, a sense of relief washed over me. I had found my voice, and the act of naming myself in this unfamiliar place brought a small measure of clarity to my swirling thoughts.

Athena, her name now spoken between us, continued to hold me gently, her eyes never leaving mine. I could sense her patience and understanding, as if she were willing to wait as long as it took for me to find my bearings in this new and perplexing world.

"Hello, Liliane," she said, her voice a soothing melody that seemed to resonate with the tranquility of the forest around us. "You're safe here with me."

The words offered a semblance of comfort, but they also deepened my curiosity and concern. How had I come to be in this place? What had happened to me before I awoke in Athena's arms? The memories were shrouded in a fog that I couldn't quite penetrate.

With Athena's gentle encouragement, I began to piece together the fragments of my fragmented recollection. I remembered the meadow in my realm, the laughter of children, and the sense of unity that always filled our celebrations. But beyond that, there was darkness, a void that refused to yield its secrets.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to make sense of it all. "I... I don't know how I got here," I admitted, my voice filled with a mixture of fear and vulnerability.

Athena's response was filled with compassion. "It's all right, little angel. We'll figure it out together"

As I blushed at the nickname "little angel" that Athena gave me, I couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through my cheeks. It made me feel special, like I was someone important to her.

Feeling even cozier in Athena's arms, I snuggled closer to her, as if seeking refuge from the uncertainty that still surrounded me. Her presence was like a protective shield, and I felt safe and cared for, just like back at home with my uncle and aunt..she then started humming a sweet, familiar tune. It was like a soft, gentle song that made me feel warm and safe.

Listening to her hum, It was then that I realized I had heard that humming before, somewhere in the depths of my memories.

I gasped as a sudden rush of memories flooded my mind. I remembered how I had ended up here, flying over the lake, seeing the huge turbine, and then getting swallowed by the water. It was like a dream, but it felt so real.

And then, as if a light had been switched on in the dark corners of my mind, I remembered Olaf and my other stuffies. They were my companions, my loyal friends, and they had always been there to comfort me when I needed them the most.

In a hurry, I reached into my bag and felt around, my heart pounding with anticipation. I found Olaf first, his soft and cuddly form reassuring in my grasp. I hugged him tightly to my chest, feeling a surge of comfort and familiarity wash over me.

But I didn't stop there. I pulled out my other stuffies one by one, checking to make sure they were both there. Each one had a special place in my heart, and I needed them now more than ever.

As I held my stuffies close, feeling their familiar textures and the memories they carried, I turned my gaze to Athena. My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, but when I looked at her, I saw a sweet and understanding smile on her face.

Feeling a bit shy, I decided to show her my beloved stuffies one by one. I held up each one, introducing them like they were my dearest friends. "This is Olaf," I said with a grin, then continued, "And this is Bunny," and "This is Teddy," and so on, until I had introduced each of them.

Athena's smile grew warmer with each introduction, and she watched with a kind and patient expression. When I had introduced all my stuffies, she spoke, her voice gentle and friendly. "Nice to meet you guys," she said, as if my stuffies were real friends she was meeting for the first time.

I blushed even harder but couldn't help feeling a sense of relief. Athena's acceptance of my friends  made me feel like she understood a part of me that was dear and precious.

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much love

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