chapter 41:Emergency

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Mama and baby Lulu sat in Lulu's charming nursery. The small, round table was adorned with adorable plastic dishes, and a make-believe teapot filled with imaginary tea sat in the center. Mama happily played along, pretending to pour some tea into Lulu's tiny cup and some into her own cup. They began their enchanting playtime.

Mama smiled at baby Lulu and asked, "Lulu, how's your day in your wonderful nursery?"

Lulu, her face lighting up, held her tiny cup and said, "My day good, Mama."

Mama nodded and said, "Tea parties with you in your special room make me so very happy, my darling."

Lulu giggled and clapped her little hands together, "I like tea parties, Mama."

As they chatted about all the fascinating things in Lulu's room, from the stuffed animals to the colorful building blocks, Mama suddenly sensed that something was amiss.

Mama, her sense of unease lingering, gently lifted baby Lulu into her arms. As she held her close, she could feel Lulu snuggling against her, playing with Mama's soft hair. It was a comforting and reassuring gesture that warmed Mama's heart, as she knew her baby was seeking comfort and security.Lulu's tiny fingers twirled Mama's hair as she whispered, "Mama, I love your hair. It's so pretty and soft."Mama, her concerns momentarily pushed aside, smiled down at Lulu and said, "Thank you, my sweet. Mama loves your snuggles, and I love you very much."In that tender moment, Mama and baby Lulu found solace in each other's company, their bond growing stronger with each passing second. Despite the vague sense of unease, the love and comfort between them were unwavering, creating a haven of security in Lulu's charming nursery.

As Mama and Lulu enjoyed their special moment of snuggles and play, they suddenly heard hurried footsteps approaching. Pauly, Lulu's little brother, came running into the room, his eyes filled with tears. Pauly's cries and distressed expression made Mama and Lulu both jump in surprise.

Mama and Lulu exchanged puzzled glances, their hearts racing as they tried to understand what had upset Pauly. It was clear that something had troubled him, and his sudden appearance left them both shocked and concerned.

Mama gently put baby Lulu down in her nursery and rushed over to little Pauly, who was still crying. Pauly's tearful face looked up at Mama as he repeated, "Aunty Mama hurt, Aunty Mama hurt."

Mama knelt down to Pauly's level and pulled him into a comforting hug. She asked, "What happened, sweetie? Tell Aunty, and we'll make it all better."

Pauly snuggled even closer into Mama's warm embrace, his tiny voice quivering as he continued, "Aunty, we was in the baff, and Mama was helping me wash my hair, and then... and then the magic lady came, and she made the water splash all funny me think lady want to play but ,  it... it hurt Mama."Mama's heart ached at Pauly's baby words, and she gently rubbed his back, offering him comfort and reassurance. "Oh, sweetie, you're so brave for telling Aunty . We're going to find out what happened and make everything better."Pauly's baby face showed a mix of fear and trust as he continued, "Mama said to hide under the bubbles, and then she did something, but the magic lady laughed, and Mama said it's gonna be alright, but it hurted her, Aunty."Mama's concern deepened as she listened to Pauly's account of the strange and worrying events during their bath time. She knew that it was essential to get to the bottom of this and protect her loved ones. With her arms wrapped around little Pauly, Mama was determined to ensure their safety and well-being.

With deep concern for her little ones, Athena gently lifted both Lulu and Pauly into her arms. She could feel their small bodies trembling with fear, and her motherly instincts kicked into overdrive. Without a moment's hesitation, she ran barefoot towards her parents' room, her heart pounding with each step.

Upon reaching the safety of her parents' room, Athena carefully put Lulu and Pauly down on the soft, comforting bed. She knelt beside them, kissing both of their foreheads.

Athena's father, filled with worry, took her hand and gently asked, "What's wrong, my dear? Tell me what happened."

Athena looked into her father's eyes, her own filled with fear and resolve. She squeezed his hand and said, "Daddy, I don't have time to explain right now, but I promise I'll tell you everything later. Right now, I need to make sure The littles are safe."

Athena, , looked worried and asked, "Where's Mom? What's happening?"HER father , her voice urgent, replied, " she's in the bathroom. But I need to check on her. Don't worry"

Athena nodded, As Athena rushed out of the room she  quickly turned to the guards and commanded, "Stay ahead and make sure no one enters this room. "Athena knew he could trust the guards to carry out their duty and protect their family, allowing her  to focus on understanding the situation 

Athena, a woman filled with dread, ran to Emma's room, her footsteps echoing through the dimly lit corridor. Her heart pounded with fear and anxiety as she reached the door, and without hesitation, she burst through it, causing it to swing wide open. The scene that met her eyes was nothing short of a nightmare.

There, on the floor, lay Emma in a pool of blood, her normally vibrant and lively spirit replaced by a lifeless and pale form. The sight sent shivers down Athena's spine, and her hands trembled as she rushed to Emma's side, not daring to believe what she was seeing.

Athena checked for any signs of life, her fingers trembling as she searched for a pulse, all the while calling out Emma's name with a voice filled with desperation, "Emma, can you hear me? What happened? Please, stay with me!"

The room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by Athena's frantic pleas and the unsettling sound of her own rapid breaths.

In a frantic state, Athena knew she had to act swiftly to save Emma. She closed her eyes and, with all her mental focus, initiated a mindlink with the kingdom's healer, a powerful and skilled practitioner. In moments, she felt the connection, and she urgently conveyed the dire situation to the healer.

"Help, please! Emma is hurt, and she's losing a lot of blood. We need you here, now," Athena sent through the mental link.

The healer, recognizing the urgency in  the queen's plea, wasted no time. In seconds, he arrived at the scene, carrying his medical supplies and magical instruments.

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