chapter 20:The repeating nightmare

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Liliane's pov:

I snuggled in Tina's arms, feeling safe and warm. The gentle rocking of the chair and the soothing hum of a lullaby were like a comforting lullaby to my tired mind and body. My eyelids grew heavy, and I started to drift into slumber.

But as I slipped deeper into sleep, the same nightmare that had haunted me before began to unfold once again. It was a frightening dream, one that always left me feeling scared and vulnerable.

In the dream, I found myself standing alone at the edge of a vast, dark lake. The waters were still and mirrored the starry night sky above. Everything was eerily quiet, and a sense of unease settled over me. I called out for Tina, but my voice seemed to disappear into the emptiness.

As I stared into the dark depths of the lake, I saw a woman's reflection slowly emerging from the water. Her face was pale, and her eyes were hollow and empty. She reached out towards me with bony, skeletal fingers, and her voice echoed like a haunting whisper.

"Come with me, little one," she crooned, her voice chilling me to the bone. "There's something I want to show you."

I tried to move away, but my feet felt like they were glued to the ground. Panic welled up inside me as the woman's reflection in the water began to rise, her figure twisting and contorting as if she were made of liquid shadows.

Tina's absence in the dream made my fear intensify. I felt tears welling up in my closed eyes as I struggled to break free from the nightmarish scene unfolding before me.

Despite my best efforts to shake off the nightmare, it clung to me like a dark cloud. I whimpered and squirmed in Tina's arms, my sleep-disturbed movements reflecting my distress.

Tina, ever attentive, sensed my restlessness and tightened her hold around me. Her soothing presence and the rhythm of her humming helped to anchor me in reality, gradually pulling me away from the haunting dream

My fitful sleep was interrupted by Tina's gentle voice calling out to me. "Sweetheart, wake up, baby. Wake up," she whispered softly. Her words were like a lifeline, pulling me away from the lingering remnants of the nightmare.

My eyelids fluttered open, and I was met with Tina's warm, reassuring smile. Her presence alone was enough to chase away the darkness of the dream, and I felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me.

"You're safe," Tina cooed as she continued to cradle me in her loving arms. "I'm here with you, and nothing can harm you."

I snuggled closer to Tina, seeking solace and reassurance after the frightening dream. My tiny voice trembled as I whispered, "Sawwyy, Tina. Scawy woman hewe huwt lulu."

Tina's arms tightened around me, providing a sense of security that helped ease my fears. She gently stroked my hair and whispered soothingly, "It's okay, sweetheart. The scary woman can't hurt you here. I won't let anything harm my precious angel."

I buried my face in Tina's shoulder, my little heart racing as I peered around anxiously, searching for any sign of the woman from my unsettling dream. My eyes darted from corner to corner, and I whimpered softly, "Hide, Tina, hide. Lulu's scawwed."

Tina held me even closer, her embrace providing a protective shield against my fears. She whispered gently, "Don't worry, baby. you're safe here.  i'll keep you safe"

Her soothing words and the warmth of her embrace gradually calmed my racing heart, and I nestled into her shoulder, finding comfort in her presence. With Tina by my side, I felt safe and loved

Tina continued to hold me close, her comforting presence a reassuring anchor. I could feel her steady heartbeat against my cheek as she softly hummed a soothing lullaby. It was a beautiful melody that seemed to chase away the remnants of my troubling dream.

As I snuggled deeper into her embrace, my fear gradually melted away, replaced by a growing sense of security. Tina's gentle strokes on my back and the rhythmic rocking of the chair created a peaceful cocoon around us.

After a while, Tina whispered, "Do you want to talk about your dream, sweetheart? Sometimes sharing it can make the scary thoughts go away."

I hesitated for a moment, still feeling a little shaky from the dream, but Tina's encouraging presence gave me the courage to open up. "I saw a scary woman by the lake," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "She wanted to hurt Lulu."

Tina's fingers continued their soothing motions on my back as she listened attentively. "I'm sorry you had such a scary dream, baby," she whispered back. "But remember, it was just a dream. Dreams can't hurt you in the real world. You're safe with me."

I nodded, taking comfort in her words. "Tina keeps Lulu safe," I affirmed, snuggling closer.

"That's right, sweetheart," Tina replied with a tender smile. "I'll always keep you safe. And if you ever have another bad dream or feel scared, you can always come to me. I'll be right here for you."

Her words of reassurance were like a warm, comforting blanket that wrapped around my heart, banishing the remnants of fear that had lingered;as i was starting to to feel sleepy again

I whined softly"nuuuuuuuuu" as Tina stood up, not liking the feeling of movement. But she quickly reassured me, "Shush, baby, just a few minutes more."

Reluctantly, I obeyed, keeping my eyes closed. I didn't want to let go of the warmth and safety Tina provided. I could feel her moving around, and I knew she was taking care of me.

Then Tina laid down putting me on top of her then  , something soft and warm touched my cheek, and I nuzzled into it instinctively. It was Tina's hand rubbing circles on my cheek , and it felt even cozier than before. My brain felt fuzzy, and I drifted in that hazy state between sleep and wakefulness. Tina gently coaxed me to open my mouth saying"open up little doll" i whined not feeling like listening to her   ,  but her soft voice was  filled with warmth and reassurance. She continued to rub something on my lips, which felt soothing and comforting

When I finally managed to open my eyes, I found Tina holding a bottle to my lips. She smiled down at me and said, "It's okay, baby. Baba will make you feel better, sweetie."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure about the bottle. But as the sweet aroma of warm milk reached my nose, my little tummy rumbled with hunger. I couldn't resist any longer. With a contented sigh, I opened my mouth and started sucking gently on the bottle's nipple.

The warm, sweet milk filled my mouth, and a sense of comfort washed over me. I felt like such a little baby, nestled in Tina's arms, drinking from a bottle. It was such a soothing and good  experience that I couldn't help but smile as I sucked on the bottle, feeling completely cared for and cherished.

Tina continued to hold me close as I enjoyed my baba, her soft humming filling the room till I gradually drifted into a deep and peaceful slumber

I love you guys i hope you'll enjoy this chapter

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