chapter 13:being a little

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Athena's pov:

The soft, golden rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, gently illuminating the room. As the morning sun painted the walls with a warm glow, I watched over Liliane, who was still lost in the peaceful embrace of slumber. Her innocent face, framed by her tousled hair, was the very embodiment of serenity.

With utmost care, I leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, hoping not to disturb her dreams. Liliane stirred slightly, her eyelashes fluttering as she slowly awoke to the new day.

"Good morning, my little angel," I greeted her with a soft, affectionate smile. "It's time to rise and shine."

Liliane's eyes blinked open, and a sleepy smile graced her lips as she recognized my presence. Her voice, still heavy with sleep, held a sweet, childlike quality as she responded, "Good morning, Tina."

I chuckled softly at her adorable pronunciation of my name. "That's right, little one," I replied, 

Liliane yawned, stretching her arms above her head, and then she looked up at me with wide, curious eyes. "What are we going to do today, Tina?"

I considered her question thoughtfully. "Well, my dear," I began, "today, I thought we could take a stroll through the pretty pretty  Garden. It's a place filled with the most beautiful and magical flowers you've ever seen."

Her eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of such an enchanting adventure. "That sounds wonderful, Tina!"

I gently lifted Liliane from the bed and set her tiny feet on the floor. As she took her first steps onto the plush carpet, her eyes widened with wonder. She looked around the room, her gaze darting from one enchanting corner to another.

Liliane's eyes gleamed with excitement as she explored her new surroundings. She scampered from corner to corner, her tiny feet barely making a sound on the soft, pastel-colored carpet.

"Wow, Titha, wook at all these toys!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder. "It's like a wainbow expwoded in hewe!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable enthusiasm. "It certainly is, my sweet angel. You have so many toys to play with. Just take your time and enjoy."

Liliane's eyes darted from one toy to another, her fingers reaching out to touch each one as if she were greeting an old friend. She picked up a plush teddy bear, hugging it tightly to her chest.

"This teddy bear is soooooo soft," she cooed, her voice a symphony of innocence. "I wike it, Tina."

I knelt down beside her, matching her level. "I'm glad you like it, Liliane. You can keep it with you whenever you sleep. It'll keep you company and be olaf's friend ."

She nodded in understanding, still holding onto the teddy bear. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, she hopped over to a corner filled with picture books. Her eyes widened as she gazed at the colorful illustrations on the covers.

"Books! I wove books, Tina!" she declared, her excitement palpable. "Can we wead one, pwease?"

I smiled warmly and selected a book from the shelf. "Of course, my little bookworm. Which one would you like to read?"

Liliane scanned the titles with great seriousness, as if choosing the perfect adventure. Finally, she pointed to one with a dragon on the cover. "Dwagons, pwease!"

i nodded and said "okay baby we'll read that at night"

Liliane's curiosity knew no bounds as she explored every corner of her hopefully  new room. Her wide eyes landed on the crib, and she approached it with a mixture of confusion and fascination. She gently touched the crib's soft fabric, her tiny fingers tracing the contours.

Turning to me with a puzzled expression, she asked, "Tina, chu have baby? This her room?;Me suwe your baby wil be mad I take her stuffie and slept in her room.""

I couldn't help but laugh at her adorable misunderstanding. "Don't worry, Liliane. There's no baby, and you can play with all the stuffies and toys as much as you like. This room is just for you, and you're very welcome here

Liliane listened to my explanation with wide, trusting eyes. However, as I mentioned the crib being just for her, a hint of protest emerged. She furrowed her brows, pouted her lips, and let out a soft whine.

I chuckled at Liliane's determination and teasingly added, "Oh, you're absolutely right, Lulu. You're not a baby at all.

"But I don't need crib, Tinnnaaa," she protested, her voice filled with determination. "Crib is for babies, and I'm not a baby."

Liliane pouted for a moment;With a gentle smile, I handed her a toothbrush and said, "Okay, little angel, time to brush your teeth and wash your face. We have to make sure you're all clean and ready for the day."

Liliane took the toothbrush and toothpaste, and I helped her squeeze just the right amount onto the brush. She began brushing her teeth with small, enthusiastic strokes, her eyes focused on her reflection in the mirror.

As she brushed, Liliane giggled and said, "Tina, I wush my teef really good, like a big girl!"

I couldn't help but smile at her adorable enthusiasm. "That's right, you're doing a fantastic job, my little angel."

After brushing her teeth, Liliane washed her face with gentle splashes of water. I handed her a soft towel, and she patted her face dry, still looking at herself in the mirror with pride.

"Lulu, you did such a wonderful job today. I'm so proud of you, my sweet little angel."

Liliane bounced saying "wuwu did!!"

As we settled on the bed, Liliane looked up at me with her big, curious eyes and asked, "Tina, I have a question. Why does Emma call Pauly 'her little'?"

Liliane's innocent question tugged at my heartstrings, and I found myself wrestling with my own frustration. How should I answer her? Should I tell her the truth about Emma and Pauly's unique relationship?

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, wanting to explain it to her in a way she could understand. Ultimately, I decided to be honest while keeping it simple.

i took a deep breath and decided that she deserves to understand what littles are since she's already a little herself and had been slipping in little space without even knowing about it

i love you

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