chapter 17:Family?

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Liliane pov:

Tina gently settled on the swing, pulling me into her lap with a loving smile. Her fingers started to play with my hair, and it felt so nice that I couldn't help but purr softly in contentment. It was a moment of pure comfort and happiness, and I leaned back against her, feeling safe and loved.

she then said "i know princess you have many questions and i will answer all of them okay but first i'll tell you about what vampire queen is, okay baby?"

i nodded and said"otay tina" 

 she patted my head saying goodgirl and started talking "A vampire queen is like a leader or a boss in a magical world. she has special powers and take care of the other vampires.The vampire queen makes sure everyone follows the rules and stays safe. She also helps the vampire world to grow and be happy. and all, vampire queens and kings  have something like  another vampire inside them with even more powers. and that's when Luciana comes; she's my inner vampire baby"

As Tina continued to stroke my hair gently, I listened carefully to her words. Her explanation made things a little clearer in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe about the magical world she described.

"A vampire queen takes care of everyone and makes sure they're safe and happy," I repeated, trying to grasp the concept. "And Luciana is like your special friend inside you?"

Tina nodded and smiled warmly. "That's right, my sweet angel. Luciana is like a friend who helps me and gives me even more powers to protect the vampire world"

 she then carried on "Vampires are magical beings, baby," she said in her gentle tone, as she continued to play with my hair. "They are different from humans because they live for a very long time, much longer than humans do. Vampires don't eat regular food like everyone  do everyday. Instead, they  drink blood to stay healthy but still eat meat vegetables fruits like anyone they just ,need blood more."I listened intently, my curiosity piqued by the fascinating world Tina was unveiling for me. "Blood?" I repeated, trying to wrap my little mind around the concept.

I squeaked, my voice barely more than a whisper. The thought of blood made me shiver, and I clutched tina's hand closer to my chest for comfort.

Tina noticed my unease and quickly reassured me, her voice soothing. "It's okay, baby. I know it might sound a little scary, but vampires are very careful and only drink a tiny bit of blood from willing donors or some animals or others drink from their mates . They never hurt anyone, and they make sure everyone is safe."

Her words helped ease my fears, and I nodded, still clinging to her arm. "Okay, Tina. I won't be scared."

Tina kissed my forehead, her lips soft and warm against my skin. "That's my brave girl," she whispered, and I smiled giggling 

The peaceful moments in Tina's lap, with her gentle swing under the golden evening sun, were like a dream come true. I nestled close to her, feeling so safe and cherished in her embrace. Her fingers continued to play with my hair, creating a soothing rhythm that lulled me into a sense of calm.

But then, like a sudden storm on a clear day, a thought struck me like a lightning bolt. My family! I hadn't seen them since that strange whirlwind had whisked me away to this magical realm. Panic surged through my tiny frame, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Tina!" I whimpered, my voice quivering with fear. "u-uncle, aunty, bwothew and sissy, I miss them!" My lower lip trembled, Tina gave me olaf and i clutched him tightly, as if he could somehow bring my family back to me.

Tina's swing came to a gentle stop, and she cradled me even closer, her voice soothing and full of understanding. "Oh, sweetie, I know you miss them," she whispered softly, her fingers wiping away my tears. "It's okay to feel sad and miss your family. But remember, I'm here for you now, and I'll take care of you."

I sniffled, my small voice choked with emotion. "B-but, Tina, I w-want to go b-back. I want to see u-uncle, aunty, bwothew and sissy." My heart ached at the thought of being separated from them.

Tina's heartwarming smile never wavered as she continued to comfort me. "I understand, baby. It's natural to want to be with your family. But right now, you're here with me, and we'll make wonderful memories together. And i promise baby i'll do everything in my hand to help you see your  family again."

My teary eyes widened in surprise, and I gazed up at Tina with a glimmer of hope. "Really, you will?" I asked, my voice filled with childlike wonder and trust.

Tina's expression was determined as she nodded, her fingers tenderly wiping away the remaining tears on my cheeks. "Yes, sweetie. I promise. We'll figure out a way to reunite you with your family. Until then, we'll be your family here."

I clung to her words like a lifeline, my sobs gradually subsiding into soft hiccups. Tina's presence and the promise of making new memories provided a glimmer of hope amid my sadness.

As Tina resumed swinging gently, I nuzzled into her shoulder, still feeling a lingering sense of loss but also a growing warmth in my heart. With Tina by my side, this unfamiliar world was slowly becoming a place where I could find comfort and love, even in the midst of missing my lovely family.

Tina continued to hold me close, her fingers now tenderly tracing circles on my back. We remained there in the garden, 

But eventually, Tina's soft voice broke the spell. "It's lunchtime, baby," she whispered gently into my ear. "Let's go inside and have a delicious meal, shall we?"

I nodded, feeling content and safe in her embrace. With a final squeeze, Tina lifted me from the swing and cradled me in her arms. Together, we headed back inside the castle.

i love you guys!hope you are enjoying 

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