chapter 27:The Return of Familiar Faces

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Luciana's pov:

I found a comfortable bench nearby and decided to take a seat, allowing Lulu to have some playtime with the other littles . As she excitedly explored the nearby area with them, I watched her with a smile, enjoying the simple yet heartwarming moments we shared in the park. The sun bathed the surroundings in a warm, golden glow, and the sound of littles 's laughter filled the air. It was a perfect day to be outdoors

I was shaken from my thoughts as I heard Lulu's cries of pain. My heart clenched with worry as I turned to see her on the ground, her little knees scraped and tears streaming down her cheeks.Without a second thought, I rushed to her side, scooping her up into my arms. "Oh, my sweet Lulu," I murmured softly, trying to comfort her.I was about to ask her what had happened when I noticed a little girl standing nearby. It was Alexa, my previous little. I was taken aback, my shock evident in my eyes as I looked at her.But before I could say anything, Alexa spoke up, her voice trembling. "Nuuuu, me no push hew, Mommy. She was meanie and pushed me first."

Lulu continued to cry softly in my arms, her tiny sobs breaking my heart. I knew deep down that she wasn't a mean girl, and I wanted to protect her from any harm. I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anger toward Alexa for calling me "Mommy" once again.

"I'm not your Mommy," I gritted my teeth saying, my frustration evident.

Just then, a man rushed over to Alexa, scooping her up into his arms. I was taken aback when I recognized him as Xavier, someone I knew from my past. My encounter with Xavier had been far from pleasant, and I knew that he and Alexa were both known for causing trouble.

Xavier gave me a smirking look as he held Alexa, his demeanor dripping with cunning. "Oh, Athena, I'm sorry. I guess the little ones are just playing."

My anger flared at his dismissive tone, and I spoke firmly, "Respect yourself, Xavier. I am your queen, and this isn't simply 'playing.' Make sure to keep your little in line."

I blinked in surprise, unsure of what to make of the situation. It seemed there had been a misunderstanding, and Lulu and Alexa were both involved in a little tussle.

As I approached Alexa and Xavier, I couldn't help but sense a subtle shift in their demeanor. Their smirks faded as they realized who they were facing, and the atmosphere became tense.

Xavier cleared his throat, trying to maintain his composure, but his voice wavered slightly as he spoke, "Well, well, it seems we're talking to Queen Lucy after all."

Alexa's eyes widened, and she shivered involuntarily at the mention of my alternate persona. She glanced at Xavier, a hint of fear in her gaze, but they both maintained their facade.

However, just as they were about to respond, Alexa slipped up. In a moment of nervousness, she said"Daddy i noooo push the mean giwl look she ruined my dress " instead of his name. The slip of the tongue was not lost on me.

Alexa's slip of the tongue, where she called Xavier "Daddy," was like a match igniting my anger. I could feel my brows furrowing, and my voice carried a steely edge as I said,  I raised an eyebrow, my expression unreadable. "Daddy, you say?" I said, my voice laced with curiosity "Don't ever dare to call my princess  a 'meanie.'"

Lulu whimpered and clutched my shirt even tighter, sensing the tension in the air. She had felt the atmosphere shift, and it made her uneasy.

 i turned my attention back to Lulu, gently wiping away her tears. "Oh, my love, are you okay?"Lulu sniffled and nodded, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and confusion. It was clear that she was still upset about the incident, but it seemed that Alexa was trying to explain herself.

Xavier, however, chose to respond with a sarcastic tone, attempting to downplay the situation. "Guess the queen's little will have to apologize to you," he said with a smirk.

My response was swift and uncompromising, refusing to entertain any notion of an apology. "That won't be necessary," I replied firmly, my gaze locked on them. I was unwilling to let them off the hook so easily, especially after their attempt to manipulate the situation.

In my anger and frustration, I couldn't help but flash my fangs at Alexa and Xavier, a clear warning of the consequences of their actions. 

Inside my head, Athena pleaded, "Give me control back now." She was frustrated, and I could sense her impatience. But I couldn't allow her to take over just yet. I needed to make sure that Alexa and Xavier understood who Liliane was and that they should never mess with her again.

I spoke firmly to Xavier, my voice laced with authority, "No, Xavier, your little should apologize, and she better do it now before I lose my patience ."

I wanted to make it clear that Liliane was not to be underestimated, and I was willing to stand my ground to protect my little one. Alexa and Xavier needed to learn that there were consequences for their actions, especially when it came to my little baby

Alexa's defiance was evident in her words and the defiant look she shot my way. She declared, "I will not apologize," her gaze unwavering.I couldn't allow her to undermine Liliane's importance , and I got closer to them, gently rubbing Lulu's back to comfort her. My tone was firm as I said, "Don't make me repeat myself, Alexa. Apologize now."Xavier gritted his teeth, clearly torn between loyalty to Alexa and the realization that they were treading on dangerous ground. Finally, he relented, his voice strained as he said, "Apologize, Alexa."But Alexa wasn't one to back down easily. She huffed, "Noooo, never, not to someone like that girl."My anger flared, and I could feel myself on the verge of breaking. The tension in the air was palpable, and it seemed like Alexa and Xavier understood the gravity of the situation.Finally, Alexa sighed, her tone dripping with fake innocence as she muttered, "Sowwy, princess," directed towards Liliane.Xavier, sensing that it was time to leave, bowed slightly and added, "I'm sorry." They turned and walked away, but I couldn't shake the feeling that this wouldn't be the end of their attempts to cause trouble.As they left, I remained vigilant, knowing that Alexa and Xavier were not likely to let the matter rest so easily. It was essential to stay on guard.

As soon as Alexa and Xavier left, . With Lulu held tightly to my chest, I harnessed my supernatural speed, and in a matter of seconds, we were back at the castle and i knew it was time to let Athena out 

I held Lulu close, kissing her forehead gently as I i can With a loving smile, I said to Lulu, "It's time to give Mama control back, okay, to treat your bobo and give you some special treats .".

I reassured her, "Mommy Lucy is always with you, honey, keeping you safe." I wanted to ease any fears she might have had after the encounter with Alexa and Xavier.

I whispered softly, "I'll see you again, baby. I love you, little one,

Lulu responded with an adorable declaration of affection, saying, "I wov chu, Mommy. Bye-bye."

allowing Athena to regain control of our shared consciousness. As I stepped aside, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events and the bond i shared with my little one. 

I love you guys !!

what do you think about xavier and Alexa

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