chapter 9: The Lost princess

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Athena's pov:

As I gazed upon Liliane in the lovely dress she had chosen, I couldn't help but express my admiration. "You look absolutely beautiful," I told her with genuine warmth in my voice. "So pretty and adorable."

Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of shyness and delight at the compliment, and she blushed in response. It was evident that she felt comfortable and cherished in my presence.

"Now," I continued, my tone gentle and reassuring, "after your wardrobe adventure, it's time for a little snack. We'll make sure you have something good to eat. How does that sound, sweet Liliane?"

I wanted her to feel not only cherished for her appearance but also cared for in every way possible. Providing her with nourishment was just one way I intended to make her feel at home in this enchanting realm.

Upon hearing my suggestion that it was time for a snack, Liliane shook her head slightly, her expression displaying a hint of hesitation. It seemed that she might have had different preferences or concerns, and I wanted to respect her wishes.

"It's okay, sweetie," I said reassuringly, "we can have whatever you like. Is there something specific you'd like to eat? Just let me know, and we'll make sure you're comfortable."

Liliane, in her childlike manner, responded by pouting and asserting herself in a gentle but clear way. "I don't wanna eat," she declared, her voice carrying a touch of stubbornness. She whined , making her feelings known.

Understanding that Liliane might need a gentle nudge toward nourishment, I assumed a caring, maternal tone. With a soft smile, I said, "Aw, my little angel, I know you might not be very hungry right now, but just like all little ones, you need to eat to stay healthy and strong. It'll make you feel better, I promise."

Liliane responded in a manner reminiscent of a young little  who was not quite ready to eat. She shook her head stubbornly, her pout still in place, and said with a touch of defiance, "No wanna eat right now, Athey."

I continued, my voice gentle and reassuring, "You see, eating helps us grow big and strong, just like how your beautiful wings need strength to carry you through the sky. Plus, it's a way to show love to ourselves, and it makes me so happy when you're healthy and happy too."

I hoped that my words would convey both the practical necessity of eating and the affection I felt for Liliane.

As Liliane sat on the floor, crossing her legs and pouting even more, it became apparent that she was not in the mood to obey. Her stubbornness was endearing in its own way, but it was also important to establish a sense of discipline and structure, even in this enchanted realm.

I wiped the smile from my face and approached Liliane with deliberate but gentle steps. It was time to convey that, as the caretaker, I held a position of authority and responsibility. However, it seemed that the little angel had her own plans.

In response to my approach, Liliane stuck out her tongue, a clear sign of her playful defiance. The sight of it made me chuckle darkly;

Liliane's continued defiance began to test my patience, and a hint of frustration crept into my expression. Even Luciana, the vampire within me, stirred with a sense of authority and discipline that demanded obedience.

With a composed but firm demeanor, I walked closer to Liliane, making it clear through my posture and demeanor that I was in charge. My voice, though still gentle, carried a subtle tone of authority as I said, "Liliane, it's important to listen , sweetheart." 

but look like the little angel had another thing going in that mind oh hers she kept sticking her tongue out then she shock her head again making her hair go in every direction ;if it wasn't for the brat infront of me i would've been appreciating her angelic looks but the little princess is almost pushing me to my limits.

As I knelt beside Liliane, explaining the importance of routines and rules, I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes. It was as if she sensed the subtle threat in my demeanor and decided to take matters into her own hands.

In a sudden burst of energy and excitement, Liliane sprinted to her feet, her laughter ringing through the room. Before I could react, she dashed towards the door, her tiny hand reaching for the handle, and with a playful giggle, she flung it open.

The rush of cool evening air filled the room as Liliane made her escape, her laughter echoing in the corridor outside. She was a bundle of energy and curiosity, eager to explore the enchanting world beyond the confines of the chamber.

For a moment, I remained in the room, stunned by her unexpected escape. Luciana's inner voice, still echoing with authority, was momentarily taken aback. But then, a dark smile graced my lips as I realized that this spirited little angel was a delightful enigma, full of surprises and endless wonder and especially full of bratiness .

With a resigned but affectionate sigh, I followed the sound of Liliane's giggles, my footsteps echoing her infectious laughter. The corridor outside was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, casting a magical aura over my castle.

Liliane, a bundle of boundless joy and curiosity, had already sprinted ahead, eager to explore the enchanting world beyond. As I followed her, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and concern, hoping that this spirited little angel wouldn't get herself into any more mischief than she already had.

there came a sudden moment when her laughter abruptly stopped. It was as if an alarm had sounded in my mind, a sense of urgency washing over me. My worry intensified, and I started running through the corridors, my steps quick and determined. but something about my appearance had changed. My eyes had turned a fiery red, and my fangs had popped out involuntarily, casting a frightening and intimidating aura.

As I raced through the corridors, my anxiety growing by the second, I came upon a guard stationed nearby. His eyes widened in alarm at the sight of my red eyes and protruding fangs.

"Athena, Queen of the Vampires," he stammered, his voice quivering. "I haven't seen the little angel, I swear. She... she went that way." He pointed down the corridor, fear evident in his trembling hand.

I nodded in acknowledgment but didn't offer a word of thanks. My thoughts were solely focused on finding Liliane. The other guards and maids who witnessed the exchange seemed equally frightened by my appearance, shrinking back as I passed. It was a stark reminder of the power and presence I held in this realm,

In that frantic moment, all I could think of was finding Liliane and ensuring her safety. The enchanting realm, once serene and tranquil, had taken on an ominous and foreboding tone as I searched desperately for any sign of the spirited little princess.

Tell me what do you think of this chapter guys?

much love!

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