chapter 31: Difficult decision

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Athena's pov:

As I held Lulu close to my chest, I knew it was time to seek the help of an old friend. The only way we could return to the angel's realm, our isolated sanctuary, was with the guidance of a powerful witch named Morgana. Morgana was known for her wisdom and her deep understanding of the mystical realms, making her the perfect ally for our quest.

Lulu and I ventured into the mystical woods, where Morgana's dwelling lay hidden. The forest was shrouded in an enchanting mist, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets of ancient magic. Lulu clung to me, her wide eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.

As we approached Morgana's home, the surroundings grew eerily still. The air was charged with a sense of otherworldly power. Morgana's dwelling was a cottage nestled amidst the towering trees, its thatched roof covered in ivy and glowing with an ethereal light. The entrance was framed by twisting vines that seemed to beckon us inside.

I gently knocked on the wooden door, and it creaked open slowly, revealing a dimly lit room filled with the aroma of herbs and incense. Morgana, a striking figure with long, silver hair and a deep purple cloak, greeted us with a knowing smile. Her eyes, a vibrant shade of emerald green, held the wisdom of countless years.

"Welcome, Athena," she said, her voice carrying a soothing melody. "And who is this little one you've brought with you?"

I smiled warmly at Lulu, who hid behind my legs. "This is Lulu, my precious little angel."

Morgana's gaze shifted to Lulu, and her eyes softened. "Ah, I see. A little angel in need of guidance."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief in Morgana's presence. "We seek your help, Morgana. We need to return to the angel's realm, and i know that you can assist us."

Morgana considered my words for a moment before nodding slowly. "I can indeed help you, Athena. But the path back to the angel's realm is not an easy one. It requires a delicate balance of magic and sacrifice."

Lulu peeked out from behind me, her eyes filled with curiosity and trust. "Mama, what's sacrifice?"

I knelt down and took Lulu's small hand in mine, meeting her gaze with love and reassurance. "Sacrifice, my sweet Lulu, means giving up something important for something even more important. In this case, we may need to give up some of our energy and strength to return to our home."

Morgana approached us and gently placed a hand on Lulu's head. "Your mama speaks the truth, little one. Returning to the angel's realm will require a portion of your own magic, as well as Athena's."

As Morgana began to explain the way back to the angel's realm, Lulu's eyes sparkled with excitement. Her chubby cheeks dimpled as she listened intently to the wise witch's words. The prospect of returning home filled her with joy, and she couldn't help but bounce on her little feet.

Morgana's gentle voice carried a note of caution. "It will take some time, my dear. The next opportunity will come during the full moon, which is still a month away. This is the only time when the portal to the angel's realm can be safely opened without alerting the angels to your presence. Angel"

Lulu's excitement waned slightly at the mention of waiting for a whole month and leaving without me , but she remained determined. She turned to me, her eyes wide with concern, and her voice quivered with worry. "Mama, no want go without you."

I looked deep into Lulu's eyes, my own eyes filled with determination and love. "Sweetie, you don't have to worry. Mama will always be with you, no matter what. We are a team, and we'll find a way to be together again. Remember, Mama and Lulu, always and forever."Lulu's lower lip quivered, and her eyes welled up with tears once more. She nodded, her small voice filled with both sadness and hope. "Yes, Mama."Morgana, sensing the sorrow in the room, couldn't help but intervene gently. "Athena, you know you can't go with her through the angel's portal. It's too dangerous for vampires."I nodded, understanding the risks all too well, but I couldn't help myself from telling Lulu, "Honey, Mama will find a way to go with you, i pinky promise yes doll"Lulu's tears gradually dried, and she wiped her cheeks with the back of her tiny hand. Her gaze shifted between Morgana and me, seeking reassurance. "Okay, Mama, I be bwave."I hugged her tightly once more, feeling a surge of pride in my heart for my little one's courage. "That's my brave girl."Morgana, ever the wise and caring friend, stepped in to ease the situation. She had conjured a set of soft, magical toys that floated gently in the air, waiting for Lulu to play with them. "Liliane, how about you play with these while your mama and I have a grown-up talk? They're special toys just for you."Lulu's eyes lit up at the sight of the enchanting toys. She giggled and clapped her hands, her earlier sadness giving way to excitement. "Wow, toys! Okay, Mama, talk."I gave Lulu one more kiss on the cheek before gently placing her down next to the magical toys. She immediately began to explore and play with them, her laughter filling the room.Morgana and I exchanged a knowing look, understanding that there were difficult decisions and conversations ahead of us. But for now, we would do everything in our power to ensure Lulu's safety and happiness.

Morgana and I exchanged a solemn look before leaving the room where Lulu was happily engrossed with the magical toys. We moved to another room where we could speak privately about the delicate matter at hand.

With a sigh, Morgana began, "Athena, you know as well as I do that the angel's realm is a place of pure light and purity. Vampires are bound by our nature, and entering that realm could have dire consequences."

I nodded in agreement, fully aware of the risks. "I know, Morgana. But I can't bear the thought of being separated from Lulu for too long. I need to find a way to be with her, to protect her."

Morgana placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I understand your concern, Athena, and I admire your love for Lulu. But we must tread carefully. We cannot jeopardize her safety or yours."

I nodded again, knowing Morgana was right. "I just wish there was a way for us to be together without risking everything."

Morgana's expression softened, and she spoke with a hint of hope. "There might be a way, Athena, but it's not without its challenges. We'll need to gather more information about the angel's realm, its magic, and its guardians. And we'll need the help of a powerful witch to create a safe passage."

I considered her words, realizing that this journey would require not only courage but also allies and knowledge. "Who do you have in mind?"

Morgana smiled knowingly. ", The witches' queen  Artemis . i know you two don't get along   but she might be able to assist us. But we'll have to approach her cautiously and gain her trust."

I love you guys; Enjoooy!

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