chapter 29: Mama's love

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Athena's pov:

I was growing increasingly worried as Lulu continued to softly murmur, "Milliiiiii, Mama," . It was clear that she longed for something specific, something that I couldn't quite comprehend.

In an effort to soothe her, I decided to prepare a warm bottle of milk, hoping it might be what she needed. With great care, I heated the milk and tested it to ensure it was the perfect temperature for my little one.

I approached Lulu after i had laid her down to work faster on her baba,  i gently hold her in my arms, and offered her the bottle. However, to my surprise, she pushed it away, her tiny hands trembling as she continued to murmur, "Milli."

Confusion filled my mind as I tried to decipher her desires. 

and it left me feeling helpless and uncertain about how to provide the comfort she sought.

I held her close to my chest, her soft breaths brushing against my skin as she clutched my shirt. Her fingers thumbed softly on my chest, almost as if she was trying to convey something to me.

"Milli," she whispered again, her voice barely audible but filled with longing.

My heart ached as I watched her, wanting desperately to understand what she needed. I whispered soothing words to her, promising that I was there for her and that she could tell me anything.

The room was bathed in the soft glow of a nightlight, casting a warm and calming ambiance around us. I continued to hold Lulu close, my fingers gently tracing patterns on her back as I waited for her to find the words or signs to express her desires.

As I held Lulu close, , the door to the room gently creaked open. Mom entered, concern evident on her face as she heard Lulu's soft cries.

Mom approached us with a worried expression, her eyes filled with care and love. She asked softly, "How's she doing, Athena?"

I glanced at Lulu, still nestled in my arms, her tiny fingers tracing patterns on my chest as she continued to murmur, "Milli, Mama."

I shook my head slightly, my voice filled with a mix of confusion and concern. "I'm not sure, Mom. She keeps saying 'Milli' and pushing away the bottle. I don't know what she needs."

Mom's gaze shifted to Lulu, her motherly instincts kicking in as she observed our little one. She reached out to gently stroke Lulu's cheek, her touch soft and reassuring. "It's okay, sweetie. Sometimes, babies have their own ways of telling us what they need."

I watched as Mom continued to comfort Lulu, her experienced and gentle touch soothing our little one's restlessness.

Mom observed Lulu's actions closely, her maternal instincts in full swing. She watched as Lulu continued to murmur and nuzzle against my chest, her little fingers gently exploring the fabric of my clothing.

After a thoughtful moment, Mom spoke softly, her voice filled with understanding, "Athena, it seems pretty clear to me. She wants to nurse, dear. Your little one is looking for comfort and the warmth of her Mama."

I blinked in realization as Mom's words sank in. Lulu's repeated murmurs of "Milli, Mama" were indeed a sign that she wanted to nurse. It was a natural instinct for babies, seeking not just nourishment but the closeness and comfort that nursing provided.

I nodded, grateful for Mom's guidance and experience. "You're right, Mom. She wants to nurse. I just didn't catch on."

Mom smiled warmly, her eyes filled with reassurance. "It happens to the best of us, dear. Nursing is a special bond between you and your baby. Just follow her cues, and you'll do just fine."

Mom's support and guidance were invaluable, but there was one more thing she could provide—privacy. She understood that this moment was special and intimate, something that Lulu and I needed to experience together. With a reassuring smile, she said, "I'll leave you two to bond in peace. You've got this, Athena."

As Mom left the room, I felt a mix of anxiety and determination. I hadn't nursed a little one before but i had ensured that i can nurse a month before since i was thinking about trying to find a little girl for me , and the thought of it was both exciting and nerve-wracking. But Lulu's soft whimpers and her need for comfort spurred me into action.

Gently cradling Lulu in my arms, I settled into a comfortable chair, making sure she was properly positioned. I whispered soothingly to her, "Just wait, baby, okay? Mama will give you millie."

I brought her closer to my chest, and she latched on with a determined eagerness that filled me with warmth. The sensation was new and different from anything I had ever experienced, but it was also incredibly natural and comforting.

As Lulu nursed, I marveled at the way her tiny mouth worked in rhythm with her little hands gently resting on my chest. Her soft, contented sounds were like music to my ears, and I couldn't help but smile down at her.

I continued to murmur sweet words of love and reassurance to her

"There you go, my sweet baby," I murmured, my heart overflowing with love. "Mama's here, and Mama will always take care of you, my little one.", letting her know that Mama was here, providing her with the nourishment and closeness she craved. With each passing moment, I grew more confident in my ability to care for my little one and meet her needs.

Lulu's eyes gazed up at me, filled with and adoration, and it was in that moment that I fully embraced my role as her Mama. I realized that this journey was not just about taking care of her physical needs but also about nurturing our emotional connection and forming a bond that would last a lifetime.

  i softly kissed her forehead and whispered, "You did so well, my precious baby. Mama is so proud of you."

  i cradled Lulu in my arms, ensuring she was comfortable and content. Her tiny form snuggled against me, her eyes beginning to flutter as she grew drowsy from her nourishing meal. With a soft smile, I continued to stroke her soft hair and whispered soothing words, letting her know that I was there to protect and care for her, always.

As Lulu drifted into a peaceful slumber, I held her close, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment and love wash over me i whispered gently" i love you baby"

I love you guys!Enjooooy

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