chapter 30:Special day

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Liliane's pov:

When I opened my eyes, I felt a familiar sensation in my mouth. It was as if there was a paci in there, and my instinct took over as I began to suckle on it. Soon, I could taste something sweet, and it filled my mouth with a delightful flavor.

As I continued to suckle, my hazy vision began to clear, and I realized that . There, before me, was Mama Millie, which made suck more more making mama open her eyes and rub my cheeks "easy darling millie isn't going anywhere"

"Mama," I cooed, my voice soft and filled with love. Mama looked down at me with a tender smile, her eyes sparkling with warmth and affection.

"Yes, my sweet Lulu?" Mama replied, her voice just as gentle as mine.

I reached up with my tiny hand, patting her cheek as I babbled, "Wuv you, Mama."

Mama's eyes softened, and she leaned down to press a soft kiss to my forehead. "I love you too, my precious little one," she whispered.

I sighed happily, nuzzling closer to Mama's chest, feeling her heartbeat beneath my cheek. This was my favorite place in the whole wide world, right here with Mama, where I felt so loved and cherished.

Mama's words filled me with excitement when she said"wakey wakey baby today we're going to some special place". I wriggled with joy in her arms, my baby heart racing with anticipation. "Special place, Mama?" I asked, my voice a mixture of curiosity and delight.

Mama chuckled warmly, her fingers gently ruffling my hair. "Yes, sweetheart, a very special place just for us. But first, we need to get you all dressed and ready."

I couldn't wait to see where Mama was taking me. Every adventure with her was a magical journey, and I knew today would be no different. Mama carefully lifted me from our cozy cuddle spot and took me potty then brushed my teeth then put  me on the changing table.

Getting dressed with Mama was pretty fun She would start by playfully blowing raspberries on my tummy, making me giggle uncontrollably. Each piece of clothing she put on me was accompanied by tickles and kisses, turning the simple task of getting dressed into a fun and loving game.

As Mama carefully buttoned up my cute little outfit, I babbled happily, "Mama, you funny!" My words were filled with the innocent joy of a baby who adored her Mama.

Mama continued to brush my hair with tender care, her fingers gentle and soothing. She looked down at me with a warm smile and said, "You're my little sunshine, aren't you, sweetheart?" Her voice was filled with love and affection, and I couldn't help but gurgle happily in response" suuun me mama sun"

mama said" yes you're sweet doll mama's sun" she then kissed my forehead and stood up infront of the mirror showing me how pretty i look "beautiful baby i have " mama said making me blush "fank chu mama"

Once I was all dressed and ready, Mama scooped me up into her arms again, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you ready, my little doll?"

I nodded enthusiastically, my tiny hands reaching for Mama's nose, giving it a gentle boop. "Wet's go, Mama!"

Mama laughed, her laughter like sweet music to my ears, and then she carried me toward the door

We went down the stairs together, and when we reached the bottom, we found Nono and Nona was having breakfast in  excitement.

I made grabby hands toward Nono, wanting to be held by him too. "Up, Nono! Up!" My voice was filled with eager anticipation as I reached out for my beloved NOno

Nono's face lit up with a warm smile as he took me from Mama's arms. He cradled me gently and began to spin me around, making me giggle with delight. His eyes sparkled with love and affection as he looked at me."Isn't that my little beautiful princess, huh?" Nono cooed, his deep voice filled with tenderness. I felt so special in his arms, and his love wrapped around me like a warm, cozy blanket. 

Nona joined in with a loving smile, and soon, the three of us were sharing a beautiful moment together. Nono gently placed me back in Nona's lap, where I felt just as cherished and adored. Nona started feeding me delicious strawberries one by one, making choo-choo train sounds as she brought each one to my mouth.

"Choo-choo, here comes the strawberry express for our little princess," Nona cooed, her eyes filled with affection as she encouraged me to take each sweet bite.

I eagerly opened my mouth and took the strawberries from Nona, savoring the juicy sweetness with every taste. 

Mama wiped my mouth gently after our strawberry treat, and then she lifted me up into her loving arms. Nono looked at us with a curious expression and asked, "Where are you two going?"

Mama smiled mysteriously and replied, "I'll tell you later, guys. It's a surprise for my little princess." Her eyes twinkled with excitement,

as Mama carried me, I couldn't contain my excitement. My tiny angel wings twitched with anticipation, and I decided it was the perfect moment to show Mama just how playful I could be. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I opened my delicate wings, letting them unfurl gracefully.

Mama's eyes widened with surprise and delight as she felt my wings wrap around her. She chuckled warmly, her voice filled with affection. "Being a playful angel, huh?"

I giggled in response, my wings gently fluttering around Mama as if they had a mind of their own. I loved the feeling of being wrapped up in Mama's warmth and the softness of her embrace. It was like a cozy cocoon of love, and I couldn't help but show my joy through my playful wings.

"I need you close to me where we are going, baby, okay?" Mama said, her words a gentle promise of safety. "Never lift your head up from Mama's neck until Mama says so. And don't disobey Mama, or you'll get a little punishment, sweetie, okay? So, be a good girl."

Her words hung in the air, and I felt a tiny shiver of fear ripple through me at the mention of those rules But I knew Mama loved me, and she only wanted what was best for me. With a nod and a tiny voice, I replied, "Yeth, Mama. me be good "

I buried my face in the crook of Mama's neck hiding my wings back, and  feeling the warmth and comfort of mama's embrace waiting for mama to take us to that special place.

I love you guys;ENjooooooooy!

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