chapter 11:The scary vampire

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Liliane's pov:

I was sitting on the floor, surrounded by pauly's colorful toys, happily engrossed in my little world of play. Everything seemed peaceful until, in the blink of an eye, Athena burst into the room. But this time, something was different, and it sent a shiver down my spine.

 Her eyes, which were usually so kind and gentle, blazed with an intense, fiery red. What was even scarier were the sharp fangs protruding menacingly from her mouth, making her look like a creature from a scary story.

My initial reaction was pure terror. I couldn't help it; I let out a loud, startled yell and instinctively dashed for cover. Behind Emma's legs, I sought refuge, clutching onto her for protection, as if she could shield me from the unsettling sight before me.Athena's voice was sharp, and it echoed with authority as she scolded me. "Liliane! Why did you run off like that? Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Her words hung heavily in the air, and it felt like a thunderstorm of anger and concern.

I was trembling with fear, my heart pounding rapidly within my little chest. Tears welled up in my wide  eyes as I struggled to find my voice. I felt like a small, naughty child who had just been caught misbehaving. It was a scary feeling, and all I could manage was a soft, quivering whimper, not knowing how to respond to her stern words.

As Athena drew closer, I clung tightly to Emma's dress, my little fingers gripping the fabric as if it were a lifeline. I desperately whispered to Emma, "Don't let Tina come closer pwesee"

Emma patted my hair and smiled gently at me saying" don't worry little one Athena will never hurt you"

Tina , her intimidating presence still looming over us, didn't miss a beat. She told me firmly, "Liliane, come out from behind Emma. If you hide, you'll only get into more trouble."

Her words hung in the air, and I could sense the seriousness in her voice. Reluctantly, I slowly let go of Emma's dress and peeked out from my hiding spot, my wide eyes filled with fear and uncertainty.

Tina, seeing my hesitation and fear, decided to take a gentler approach. She knelt down in front of me, her eyes softening, and her scary fangs retracting. With a warm and reassuring smile, she opened her arms wide and said in a soothing tone, "Baby, I won't hurt you."

Her words were like a gentle breeze that eased my anxiety. Slowly, I crawled out from behind Emma's protective legs and cautiously moved closer to Athena. I couldn't resist the pull of her comforting embrace, and as I hesitantly reached out, she gathered me into her arms, holding me close.

In the safety of Tina's warm and comforting embrace, I couldn't help but snuggle closer, taking in her familiar, reassuring scent. My anxious heart began to settle, and I found the courage to speak. In a soft, childlike voice, I whispered, "Pwese, Tina, don't be mad. I just wanted to play."

Tina's embrace tightened around me, her expression softening even more. She gently ran her fingers through my hair, soothingly assuring me, "I'm not mad, sweetie. I was just worried about you. We can play, but you must promise to stay close, okay?"

I nodded against her shoulder, feeling a sense of relief and security in her arms.

As Tina's soft hair tickled my face, a fit of giggles escaped my lips. I couldn't help but squirm and laugh, and in the midst of my mirth, I managed to say, "It tickles, Tina!"

Tina, her eyes sparkling with affection, couldn't resist the opportunity to make me giggle even more. She lifted me up into her arms and began to spin me around playfully. Her laughter mixed with mine as she showered my face with sweet kisses, making me giggle uncontrollably.

Tina's playful affection continued as she brought our foreheads together, her warm eyes locking onto mine. She whispered softly, "My little angel, aren't you so sweet?"

Hearing those endearing words made my cheeks flush with a rosy hue, and I buried my face in Tina's shoulder, and I giggled, feeling a mix of shyness and happiness. in that moment i felt so safe so cuddly and warm like a was real life princess  ,

Just as Tina and I shared this sweet moment, we heard a soft click, and I turned to see Emma with her phone, taking a picture of us. She grinned and cooed, "Awww, cute!"

Emma couldn't resist sharing the adorable picture with Pauly, who was sitting nearby. She showed it to him and exclaimed, "Look, Pauly, isn't that baby Liliane the cutest thing ever?"

I blushed even more, feeling a bit shy about being the center of attention, but their smiles and laughter made me feel happy and loved.

After our playful interaction, Tina sat down on Emma's bed, and I found myself comfortably nestled on her lap. It was such a cozy and secure place to be, and I felt like I was surrounded by a warm cocoon of affection.

The room filled with the warmth of laughter and affection as Emma continued to tease me gently. She showed the picture to Tina, who chuckled and ruffled my hair playfully. "You're becoming a little celebrity, Liliane," Tina said with a twinkle in her eye.

I pouted a bit, not used to being in the spotlight, but Tina's kind words and her soothing touch on my cheek made me feel at ease. "But I'm just me," I mumbled with childlike innocence.

Emma knelt down beside me and grinned. "And that's exactly why we love you, Liliane. You're so sweet and genuine. Plus, you're the cutest little angel we've ever seen!"

I couldn't help but giggle at her words, feeling a warm glow in my heart. These new friends of mine, Tina and Emma, were so nice to me, and I felt safe and loved in their presence.

Pauly, sitting on the floor with his toys, looked at the picture and then at me. "Baby!" he exclaimed with a gleeful smile. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he crawled over to where we were.

Tina chuckled and picked him up, settling him on her lap beside me. "Yes, Pauly, this is our new friend, Liliane," Tina explained gently, her voice soft and reassuring. "Isn't she lovely?"

Pauly nodded enthusiastically, his little face lighting up with excitement. "Lily pwetty," he declared, reaching out to touch my hair with his tiny fingers.

I blushed again, feeling a surge of happiness. Tina leaned in to give me a gentle kiss on the cheek, and Pauly, always eager to join in, planted a sticky, sweet kiss on my other cheek. I giggled and wiped my face with my small hand, delighted by their affectionate gestures.

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