chapter 39:makeup with mama

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Athena's pov:

After Sophia left, Mama and I decided to have a special playtime. Mama set up a little tea party for us with a tiny table and cute cups and saucers. I was so excited because it was just like a grown-up tea party!

Mama smiled and said, "Lulu, would you like to choose a dress for Mama to wear to our tea party?"

I clapped my hands and giggled, "Yes, yes, me choose!"

Mama opened her wardrobe, and I carefully looked at all the pretty dresses. There were so many colors and patterns, but I knew I wanted to pick the most beautiful one. After some careful thinking, I pointed to a lovely blue dress with tiny white flowers.

Mama chuckled and said, "Great choice, my little fashionista! Let's get Mama all dressed up."

She put on the blue dress, and it was just as beautiful as I had imagined. I clapped my hands again, "Wow, pretty Mama!"

I tried to put on the dress i choose , but it got a bit stuck around my arms. I looked at Mama with big, round eyes, a little puzzled. "Mama, help, stuck!" I said, reaching my tiny arms out to her.

Mama knelt down beside me and gently started to help me put on the dress. She said, "Don't worry, sweetie. Mama's here to help." Her warm and soothing voice reassured me as she carefully guided the dress over my little arms.

I let out a happy giggle, feeling so lucky to have Mama helping me. Once the dress was on, I twirled around like a ballerina. "Look, Mama, I'm pretty like you!"

Mama's eyes sparkled with delight as she clapped her hands, "You are, Lulu! You're the prettiest little girl in the whole world!"

I looked at Mama and used my baby words, "Mama, I brush your hair?"

Mama smiled and said, "Sure, sweetie. You can brush Mama's hair."

I felt so happy that Mama let me do something nice for her. She had put my hair in a cute bun earlier, but her hair was in a ponytail now. I thought it would be fun to brush her pretty hair.

Mama sat on the floor while i sat on the bed  so that I could reach her hair more easily, and she handed me a tiny brush. With all the care in the world, I began to brush Mama's hair, just the way she did for me in the mornings. Mama closed her eyes and made a soft, happy sound, showing that she loved our sweet moment together.

I couldn't help but giggle with joy as I brushed Mama's hair, feeling like such a big girl. It was a magical time during our special tea party, and I wanted to make it even more special. So, I gently kissed Mama's forehead, my laughter bubbling up like a little fountain.

Mama's eyes twinkled with love, and she whispered, "You're the sweetest, Lulu."

Mama cooed and said, "Awwww, my baby's giving Mama kissies, huh?"

I blushed and nodded, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. It was such a sweet moment, and Mama's words made me feel so loved and cherished.

After I finished brushing Mama's hair, I wanted to do something extra special. Mama's hair was so long and pretty, so I decided to try and make a braid. I might have been just a little baby, but I wanted to do something nice for Mama.

It was a bit tricky to put all her long hair together, but I tried my best. I managed to make something that looked like a braid, or at least it seemed like one. When I was done, I proudly stood up, holding Mama's hair with my tiny hands.

I listened to Mama and carefully put her hair aside. Then, I remembered I had some pretty blue bows. I ran to the place where we kept them, my little feet pitter-pattering, with Mama's voice reminding me to be careful.

Mama gently reminded me, "No running, baby."

When I returned, I had a bright blue bow in my hand. I carefully placed it in Mama's hair, right where I had "braided" it. I giggled with delight and said, "Awww, done, Mama!"

Mama smiled down at me, her eyes shining with love and pride 

Mama stood up with me on her hip and walked over to the big mirror in our room. I couldn't help but bounce with excitement in her arms because we both looked so pretty. Mama had makeup on, and she looked even more beautiful, but I didn't have any makeup on.As we looked at ourselves in the mirror, I pointed to Mama's face and said, "Mama pretty!"Mama chuckled and agreed, "Thank you, sweetie. And you're my little angel, always pretty."I smiled at her words, feeling so loved. I touched my own reflection in the mirror and said, "Me pwetty too?"Mama kissed my cheek and said, "Of course, Lulu. You're the prettiest little girl in the whole wide world."It was a special moment, looking at our reflections together, and I loved being in Mama's arms, feeling like the prettiest little girl in the world.

I whined and looked at Mama's lips, which had something on them that made them wed. I reached out and touched Mama's lips, then tried to rub my own lips with my tiny fingers, hoping they would turn red like hers. But no matter how hard I tried, my little lips stayed their natural color, and I let out a frustrated whine.I looked up at Mama with pleading eyes and said, "Mamaaa, me want wed lips like you!" I wanted to mimic Mama and have red lips, but it seemed impossible, and I felt a little sad.

Mama leaned down and gently brushed a strand of hair from my face, her eyes filled with warmth. She said, "You're pretty without makeup, my little doll."

But I whined and kicked my little legs, determined to look just like Mama. I said, "Want to look like Mama."

Mama sighed, understanding my determination. She reached for her makeup and applied a tiny bit to my lips. Then, she smacked her lips together, and I copied her every move. When I looked in the mirror, my lips were like Mama's, and it made me giggle with joy.

I leaned over and planted a sweet kiss on Mama's cheek, leaving a tiny lipstick mark,

I clapped my tiny hands with excitement and said, "Now, tea pawty, Mamaaaa!"

Mama smiled and nodded, playing along with my joyful spirit. She said, "Alright, little princess. It's tea party time!"

Enjoy ;vote and comment; thank youuuu

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