chapter 14:Little creatures

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Athena's pov:

i started talking facing Liliane and giving her a gentle smile"okay baby pauly acts like that because he's a little and littles are people who act younger than their real age;"littles , the tiniest wonders of our world, are a testament to the beauty of life itself. Their arrival brings a newfound sense of joy and purpose. These little beings, so fragile yet resilient, are like precious gems in the tapestry of existence.

Their laughter, like the tinkling of bells, dances through the air and touches the hearts of all fortunate enough to hear it. And when they sleep, they resemble little angels, unaware of the worries of the world.

Dressing them in tiny outfits, each one more adorable than the last, becomes an art form.

Holding a baby, feeling their trust and vulnerability, is a sacred experience. It fills us with a sense of responsibility and unconditional love. It's a reminder of the power of nurturing and protecting, and the profound connection between the mommy/daddy and the little 

 imagine a little like pauly baby is a bit like being a kid again, but just for a little while. It's like when you play with your favorite toys or have a fun adventure. You feel small and safe, like when you're with someone who takes care of you, like a mom or a dad.

And the person who takes care of the little, like Athena, is like a mom or dad. They make sure the little one is happy and safe. They might have some rules, like when it's time to eat or sleep and behave, just like how parents do.

So, being a little is like taking a break from being a grown-up and enjoying the fun   and comfort of being a kid again, even if it's just for a little while. And the big person, the caregiver, is there to make sure everything is okay and everyone is happy.

I gazed at Liliane, noticing the mix of confusion and a touch of excitement on her face. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity. With a warm smile, I encouraged her, "Okay, my sweet Liliane, you can ask me anything you want. I'm here to answer your questions and help you understand things."

Liliane's face lit up with curiosity as she asked, "Tina, why do some people become littles? What's it like to be a little, and i'm a little tina?"

Tina chuckled softly at Liliane's eagerness to learn and explore this new world of understanding. She then began to explain in simple terms, "Well, sweetie;some people become littles because it brings them happiness and comfort. Being a little is like stepping away from being an adult and returning to a time when life was less complicated and more relaxed."

i continued, "Littles like having someone to take care of them, like a mommy or a daddy, who can help them with things and keep them safe. It's all about feeling loved and protected, just like when you were a baby. And, of course, they get to have lots of fun and play like children too!"

i smiled warmly at Liliane, her eyes filled with affection. "Does that make sense, my little angel?"

Liliane nodded and settled on her knees in front of me, clutching Olaf close to her. She looked up with an earnest expression and said, "Last, last question, Tinaaa?"

i said" well sweetie from the day i spent with you and how you act and behave  i would say yes but tina would like to ask you some questions; can you be a goodgirl and answer them honsetly"

Liliane nodded eagerly, her eyes filled with curiosity and trust.she said"yes yes me goodgiwl" 

"Alright, sweetheart," I said, "let's begin with a simple question. What do you enjoy doing when you're feeling  like a little or atleast close it like how you were acting earlier today angel?"Liliane's face lit up with excitement as she answered, "I like playing with toys and coloring pictures, Tina."

"That sounds like lots of fun," I replied, appreciating her enthusiasm. "Now, can you tell me, do you have a favorite stuffie or toy that you like to snuggle with?"

Liliane's eyes sparkled as she nodded vigorously. "Yes, Tina! Olaf is my favorite stuffie. He's so cuddly!"

I couldn't help but smile at her choice. "Olaf is a great choice, sweetie. Now, here's another question. When you're little, do you ever feel like having someone take care of you and make you feel safe?"

Liliane nodded again, her expression earnest. "Yes, Tina. Sometimes I want someone to take care of me and cuddle me and tell me i'm a goodgirl ."

"That's perfectly okay, sweetie," I assured her gently. "And when you're feeling little, do you like having rules and guidance to help you know what to do?"Liliane thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes, Tina. I think rules can be good only only sometimes because breaking rules is fuuun toos."

I couldn't resist pinching Liliane's cheek playfully and teasing, "You're such a naughty little baby, aren't you?" then I smiled warmly at her responses. "You're doing great, Liliane. One last question. When you're a little, do you enjoy bedtime stories or lullabies to help you sleep?"

Liliane's eyes lit up once more, and she giggled. "Oh, yes, Tina! I love bedtime stories and lullabies!"I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of connection with Liliane as we shared these questions and answers. It was clear that she had a little side to her, and I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable and cherished in every way possible.

I praised Liliane with a gentle smile and said, "That's right, my sweet little baby. You're doing so well."

Liliane's eyes sparkled with mischief as she giggled, clearly enjoying the playful banter. "I am a little baby, Tina!"

i chuckled kissing her forehead gently then  I comforted Liliane with a soft, reassuring tone, saying, "Baby, you're a little, and that's perfect. We'll discover everything together, my darling. Tina can teach you everything you need to know and guide you with the rules  and all the secrets when the time is right."

Her face lit up with happiness, and she snuggled closer to me, content with the warmth of our bond. It was a precious moment, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for having this wonderful little angel in my life.

i love you guys

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