chapter 37: History's secrets

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Athena's pov:

The next morning, as the sun's rays began to peek through the curtains, Lulu's eyes fluttered open. She looked at me with a sleepy smile and said, "Mama, wake up!"I stretched and yawned, my heart warmed by her morning greeting. "Good morning, my sunshine. How did you sleep?"Lulu's face lit up, and she replied, "I had the best sleep, Mama!"With a loving smile, I reached over to her and gently lifted her from the bed. As I dressed her in a cute purple skirt and a beautiful shirt, she giggled and twirled around, clearly excited about her outfit.I couldn't resist matching her dressing, and soon, we were both dressed in coordinated outfits. While Lulu sipped on her yummy milk, I busied myself with making her back, ensuring it was just right for her.Once she had her fill, I helped her down from the bed, and she danced around, full of energy. I quickly changed into something nice myself, and when I returned, Lulu exclaimed, "Mama, chuuu pwetty !"I chuckled and replied, "Well, I had to match my beautiful girl, didn't I?"Lulu's laughter filled the room as we shared a joyful moment. It was a new day, and we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead,
After dressing Lulu and making her baba, we made our way downstairs together, hand in hand. The smell of breakfast greeted us as we entered the kitchen, where everyone had already gathered. It was a warm and inviting sight, with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzle of panckakes  filling the air.Lulu greeted everyone with a bright smile and cheerful " morning!" as i put her in her  highchair at the breakfast table. I placed her baba in front of her, and she eagerly sipped while everyone enjoyed a hearty breakfast together.The morning was filled with laughter and conversation, as family and friends joined us. Lulu chatted animatedly about her plans for the day and shared her excitement about playing in the playpen and coloring.Once breakfast was done, I gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead. "You have fun playing, sweetie. Mama has to do some grown-up work now, okay?"Lulu nodded and replied, "Okay, Mama, I will!"With a reassuring smile, I made my way to my workspace, knowing that Lulu would have a wonderful time playing, exploring, and coloring while I handled my responsibilities. 

in my office, I had a collection of old books, weathered and filled with the wisdom of ages past. Among them were several tomes dedicated to the Great War, a conflict that had engulfed  the supernatural creatures that inhabited our realm. This epic clash saw the convergence of werewolves, vampires, angels, and witches, each with their unique powers and agendas.

The books held vivid accounts of the werewolf packs, their fierce loyalty and powerful transformations that turned the tide of battles. Vampires, with their mesmerizing allure and supernatural strength, played a complex role, weaving in and out of alliances and betrayals.

Within the pages of those old books in my office, I found accounts of a time when vampires and werewolves, historical rivals, had forged a fragile alliance during the Great War. They had stood side by side, their shared determination to protect their world transcending their age-old enmity. Their powers, be it the mesmerizing allure of the vampires or the fierce transformations of the werewolves, had been deployed in a common cause.

However, the angels, beings of celestial beauty and power, had been reluctant to join the fray. Though some had descended to aid in the war, they had grown disillusioned by the dark turn it had taken. The witches, with their insidious dark magic, had harnessed the celestial blood of the angels for their nefarious purposes.

The betrayal had been a deep wound, and the angels had ultimately retreated. In the aftermath of the war, they chose to lock themselves away in their celestial realm, a sanctuary veiled from the world, where their presence remained an enigma. The knowledge of their sanctuary was concealed so well that it had become a mere whisper in the annals of history, a secret passed down through cryptic legends.

I often wondered what it had taken to drive the angels to such extreme measures

In my quest for knowledge about the history of our realm and the intricate relationships between supernatural creatures, I came across a particularly intriguing passage in one of the old books. It spoke of extraordinary love stories that transcended the boundaries of different races, a love that knew no bounds.

Two stories stood out vividly in the text, one of a male angel and a female vampire, and the other of an alpha werewolf and an angel mate. These unique unions had been an uncommon occurrence, but they had defied the conventions of their time.

However, the epic tale took a heart-wrenching turn. When the angels had chosen to flee the realm, they had left their mates behind. The bond between mates was unbreakable, a connection that ran deeper than the realms themselves. The separation had been unbearable, and the mates had faced a difficult choice – either to die because they can't live without their mates for so long  or to search for a way to reunite.

The passage also mentioned that the alpha, an esteemed figure from the Dark Moon Pack, had been a central character in one of these unions. It left me with a desire to learn more about him and his story.

Remarkably, the female vampire mate in the other story had been a member of my own family. It was a revelation that sent shivers down my spine. The connection between these stories and my family's history felt strangely intertwined and was a mystery that begged to be unraveled. It was as if the secrets of our past were reaching out to guide me in my pursuit of knowledge and protection for my beloved Lulu.

As I delved into the texts and the mysteries of our realm, time seemed to slip away unnoticed. The weight of history and the enigmatic stories I had uncovered held me in their grip. It was only when I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw how many hours had passed that I realized I had lost track of time.

With a sigh, I closed the old book, my eyes heavy with fatigue, and I knew that it was time to tear my attention away from the ancient tomes and turn it to the most precious and immediate concern in my life. My beloved angel, Lulu, needed my care and attention.

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