chapter 23: Accepting her mama

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Athena's pov:

I had to make a decision, and it wasn't what I had originally planned when I asked Lulu to be my little girl. . Lulu is a good girl at heart, but her bratty behavior couldn't go unchecked. I hope she understands that I'm doing this because I care about her, and I'm not trying to be harsh. I just couldn't let her continue down that path of being a bad girl

I picked up Lulu gently, cradling her in my arms as she nestled against my neck, her silence speaking volumes about her regret for her earlier behavior.

I decided to lighten the atmosphere and strengthen our bond, so I walked over to her chamber and fetched a set of colorful pencils, an assortment of stickers, and a beautifully decorated purple paper. I returned to the room and settled into a plush vanity chair, with Lulu still nestled securely in my arms.

As I held the art supplies, I spoke softly, "Let's create something special together, my dear."

I gently parted Lulu from my neck, but to my surprise, she refused to let go. She whimpered softly, attempting to snuggle back into the comforting curve of my neck. However, I held her tightly, gently tilting her face up to meet mine.

As I lifted her face, I saw little tears welling up in her eyes, trying to escape and make their way down her cheeks. The sight of those tears tugged at my heartstrings and melted my heart.

I comforted Lulu, gently wiping away her tears with my thumb. I whispered soothingly, "It's okay, my princess. Even little babies sometimes misbehave, but what do they say when they misbehave, honey?"

Lulu looked up at me, her eyes still watery, and with a soft, apologetic voice, she said, "Sowwie, Tina."

I offered Lulu a warm smile, my heart swelling with affection. "That's my sweet girl," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "We all make mistakes, darling but all mistakes can't go unpunished"

With Lulu still nestled in my arms, we turned our attention to the art supplies on the vanity table.

Liliane looked at the art supplies spread out on the vanity table with wide-eyed fascination. Her previous distress seemed to melt away as she took in the vibrant colors of the pencils and the sparkling array of stickers. The beautifully decorated purple paper, with its intricate patterns, caught her attention, and her fingers itched to touch it.

Her curiosity and enthusiasm were palpable, and it warmed my heart to see her so captivated by the creative possibilities before us. I couldn't help but chuckle softly at her expression, which had transformed from one of uncertainty to pure delight.

"Look at all these wonderful colors, Liliane," I said, my voice filled with excitement. "would you like to help me create your rules dear, and if you didn't understand anything ask tina okay ?

Liliane bounced and said "otay me ask  and yeeeeth we mak wules"

i kissed her forehead and said" goodgirl baby okay your rules are "


Be Nice: Treat others nicely, just like you want them to treat you.

Tell the Truth: Always say what's true. Lying isn't good.

call me by: mama ;mommy

Use Good Words: Say "please" and "thank you," and be polite to everyone. 

Stay Healthy: Eat good food, play outside, and get enough sleep and don't eat too much sweets . 

Stay Clean: Wash your hands, brush your teeth, and keep yourself tidy. 

Bedtime: Go to bed when Mama  says it's time for sleep. Sleep helps you grow and feel good.

Clean Up: Always put your toys and games back where they belong after you're done playing. This keeps our home tidy.

Be Patient: Sometimes, you might have to wait for things. Be patient and calm.

believe in Yourself: Know you can do great things if you believe in yourself. If you ever feel insecure or unsure, tell Mama, and she'll help make it better. Mama is here to support you.

 Listen to Mama: Mama loves you and knows what's best for you. Listen to her guidance and mama can add more rules if necessary.



Loss of Privileges: No candy or sweets and no playtime 

Early Bedtime


sleep alone in your crib


Fun Playtime! Let's have a special playdate together, and you get to pick the fun game we play.we can have tea parties or anything you want

Stickers for You! Collect stickers on your chart for being a superstar. When you fill it up,  mama will give you a  surprise!

Yummy Treats! Sometimes, you'll get a tasty snack or a piece of your favorite pastry as a treat for being so good.

Extra Stories! On special nights, you can choose an extra story to read before bedtime.

Adventure Time! We'll go on an exciting adventure to a cool place like the park, zoo, or your favorite spot.

Late bedtime: you can stay up with mama past bedtime  

         After we had finished writing down the rules, rewards, and punishments on the colorful paper, I took a moment to carefully read them aloud to Lulu, one by one. As I did, I couldn't help but steal glances at her face to gauge her reaction.

Lulu's expressions were a mix of happiness, excitement, and a hint of fear. Her eyes lit up with joy at the thought of rewards, and her excitement was contagious. However, there was also  fear, as the seriousness of the rules and punishments sank in.

Not wanting to see her worry, I gently rubbed her back and asked, "What is it, baby? Do you have a question or something on your mind?"Lulu hesitated for a moment, and then, she said, "Mama, me has a question."

The word "Mama" caught me off guard, but in the most wonderful way. It was the first time she had called me that, and it filled my heart with immense happiness as she had followed the rules from the first time. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I leaned down to embrace her in a warm, loving hug.

"Yes, sweetie," I replied, my voice choked with emotion. "You can ask me anything, my precious Lulu. Mama is here for you, always."

Lulu asked . "Why   me get spankies, Mama? Spankies bad, and me no wan dem," she said, her face showing that she felt a bit scared.

I gently held her face in my hands, looking into her eyes with all the love and care I had. "Sweetie, Mama only gives spankies when my little princess acts a bit bratty," I explained softly. "We don't like them either, but sometimes they help us remember to be good and follow the rules."Lulu's pout continued, but I couldn't resist her cute face. I playfully tickled her, and she giggled and squirmed, saying, "Mama, Mama, stop!"

Her laughter filled the room, and in that moment, I knew she had truly accepted me as her caregiver and Mama. It was a special time that brought us even closer. I gave her some colorful markers, and as she started to draw around the rules, I played with her hair, treasuring the connection we were building and the love that was growing between us.

i love you guys;Enjoooooy

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