chapter 10:making friends

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Liliane's pov:

I scampered through the twisty hallways, my tiny feet going pitter-patter on the cold, hard floor. Giggles had turned into a confused frown as I found myself alone in this big, strange castle. Athena, my new friend, was nowhere in sight, and it made me feel all tiny and lost.

The walls towered high, and they looked like they could touch the sky. Shadows played tricks on me, turning into spooky shapes that made my heart go thump-thump. I didn't like being alone in this spooky place.

"Hello?" I called out in my little voice, hoping Athena would hear. "Athena? Where are you?"

But all I got back was an echo. It was like my words were playing hide-and-seek too. Tears welled up in my hazel eyes, and I sniffled. I wished Athena was here to give me a big, warm hug and tell me everything would be okay.

I remembered a dream I had before I woke up here. It was all fuzzy, like trying to catch butterflies in a big field. There was a kind lady who held me close and hummed a soft song. I missed her warm voice, and I wondered if she had something to do with how I got here.

Walking down those long hallways felt like an adventure, but not the fun kind. It was an adventure where I didn't know where I was going, and that was scary. I wanted to find Athena and feel safe again.

The castle was so big, like a maze. I turned corners and peeked into rooms, but they were all empty. No Athena, no kind lady from my dream. Just me and my little footsteps echoing.

I knew I was just a little angel in a big, big world, and it made me feel all itty-bitty. I wished I could fly like a birdie and find my way back to Athena, but my wings were all tucked away, and I didn't know how to make them work.

My voice felt even smaller as I whispered to myself, "I wanna go home."

I peeked into one of the rooms, and what I saw made me gasp in surprise. A boy, not much older than me, was sitting on the floor, surrounded by colorful toys. He was busy playing with them, his eyes full of wonder as he created his own little world.

But that wasn't the only thing that caught my attention. Near a big, fancy vanity, a lady was sitting in front of a mirror. She was all grown-up and looked like a princess with her pretty dresses and sparkly makeup.

She was holding a brush in her hand and applying makeup to her face. I watched her with big, curious eyes as she painted her lips with a shiny, red color. It made her look even more beautiful.

I was fascinated by what I saw. In my realm, I had never seen anyone put on makeup before. It seemed like such a grown-up thing to do, and I wondered if one day I'd be old enough to try it too.

As I stood there, my eyes glued to the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but wonder who these people were and what they were doing in this big, mysterious castle. It was like a story unfolding right before my eyes, and I was just a tiny character in it.

I felt a mixture of curiosity and shyness. Should I say hello? Would they be friendly? I wasn't sure, but I knew that I couldn't just stand there and watch forever. So, with a deep breath, I took a step into the room, my little wings fluttering with excitement.

Before I could even open my mouth to say hello, the lady from the vanity appeared right in front of me, as if she had magically teleported.

I let out a yelp of surprise and stumbled backward, plopping down on my little bottom with a soft "Ouch!" My eyes grew wide, and tears welled up as I looked up at the woman towering over me. I wrapped my wings tightly around myself, feeling both vulnerable and startled.

She looked down at me with eyes that seemed to hold a mix of surprise and amusement. Her lips curved into a kind smile, and I couldn't help but feel a little less scared. Maybe she wasn't going to be mean.

"Hello there," she said in a gentle, melodious voice that was like music to my ears. "I didn't mean to startle you, little one. Are you lost?"

I sniffled and wiped away a tear, nodding slowly. "Y-yes, I am. I didn't mean to come in without asking."

The woman knelt down, bringing herself closer to my level. She had a warm and friendly presence that made me feel a bit better. "It's quite all right. My name is Emma. What's your name?"

I sniffled again and managed to say, "I'm Liliane." My voice was still shaky, but her kind demeanor was helping me calm down.

Emma smiled warmly. "Well, Liliane, it's lovely to meet you. How did you end up here in the castle?"

I explained how I had been exploring and had wandered into the room out of curiosity. Emma listened attentively, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"You're quite the little adventurer, aren't you?" she said with a chuckle. "Well, you're welcome here, Liliane. This is my little, Pauly," she added, gesturing to the boy who was still playing with his toys.

I looked at pauly, who had paused in his play to watch our conversation with curious eyes. He waved at me with a friendly smile, and I waved back, feeling a bit less nervous.but i made sure to ask Tina what does little mean

Emma continued, "If you'd like, you can stay and play with pauly for a while. We have plenty of toys, and I think he'd enjoy some company. "

I nodded eagerly, my earlier fear forgotten as excitement bubbled up inside me.

As I sat on the floor, playing with pauly and his toys, I noticed that Emma would occasionally glance toward the door. It seemed like she was waiting for someone or something. Her eyes held a hint of anticipation, as if she expected a visitor.

I wondered who she was waiting for. Maybe there were more people in this castle that I hadn't met yet. The thought of making new friends filled me with excitement.

From time to time, I would look up at Emma, and she would give me a reassuring smile. It made me feel welcome and included,And i was sure Tina wouldn't be that worried about me since i'm with the kind lady;or that's what i thought.

much love to you all!!

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