chapter 34:Home safe

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Athena's pov:

As I watched Lulu's tiny form grow smaller in the distance, my anxiety and fear for her safety continued to gnaw at my heart. I knew that I had to act quickly to reach her, to ensure that she was safe in the vast sky above.

With a burst of determination, I summoned my vampire speed, and in an instant, I was standing on top of a nearby mountain. From this elevated vantage point, I had a clearer view of Lulu's flight path, and I could see her silhouette against the backdrop of the endless sky.

My senses were heightened as I focused all my attention on tracking her. Every beat of her wings, every joyful squeal reached my ears, and I could feel the rush of the wind as she soared through the air.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched the scene unfold before me. Lulu, my precious little angel, was soaring high in the sky, but danger lurked below. A sinister witch was creeping closer to her, a malevolent giggle escaping her lips.Fear gripped me as I desperately called out to Lulu, my voice carrying my panic. "Lulu, come back! Come to Mama!" But she seemed oblivious to the danger, lost in the thrill of her flight.In my desperation, I turned my attention to the approaching witch, yelling at her with all the urgency I could muster. "Behind you, angel! Run, run!" But the witch's laughter only grew more wicked, and her pursuit of my little one continued.I raced frantically along the ground, my eyes locked on Lulu's flight path, my thoughts consumed with worry for her safety. I knew I had to reach her, to protect her from the clutches of the malevolent witch who was determined to harm my precious angel.Every step I took was filled with determination and fear. The gap between me and Lulu seemed to stretch endlessly, and I prayed with all my might that I would reach her in time.

I noticed the wicked witch  suddenly sensing my presence. Her attention shifted from my little angel to me and she came closer to the top of the mountain getting closer to me, and I knew I had to act quickly to protect Lulu.

Without hesitation, I changed my course, veering away from Lulu and directly towards the witch. I hoped to divert her attention away from my precious baby and give Lulu a chance to escape unharmed.

The witch seemed momentarily confused as I approached, not quite certain who I was or what my intentions were

I continued to dash towards the witch, my vampire speed propelling me forward. The distance between us closed rapidly, and I knew I had to make my move before she could react.

As I approached the wicked witch, I bared my fangs and allowed my eyes to turn a menacing shade of red. There was no doubt now; she could see that I was not just any vampire but one of royalty. My demeanor and the aura of power that surrounded me made it clear that I was not to be trifled with.

The witch, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly recognized that she had provoked someone far more powerful than she had initially assumed. Panic swept over her face as she realized the danger she was in.

Without wasting a second, the witch turned and fled in fear, disappearing into the dark woods.

Relieved but still concerned for my little angel, I turned my attention back to the sky, scanning for any sign of Lulu. I had to make sure she was okay and rejoin her as soon as possible.

I called out Lulu's name repeatedly, hoping that she would hear me and come back to my side. Each time I shouted her name, my voice carried a mixture of fear and determination. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my precious little one to the clutches of that sinister witch.

But no matter how hard I searched and called out, Lulu was nowhere to be found. The night seemed to stretch on endlessly, and with every passing moment, my worry deepened. I knew I had to find her, and I wouldn't rest until she was back in my arms, safe and sound.

As I continued to scour the area, my senses heightened, and I could feel the presence o of my baby nearby

"Luluuuuu, come now or God help me!" I shouted desperately into the night, my heart pounding with fear for my little angel. It felt like an eternity, but in mere seconds, Lulu soared back into my arms, clutching me tightly. Relief washed over me as I held her close, reassuring myself that she was safe and sound.

I kissed her forehead and whispered words of comfort, "Oh, my sweet Lulu, you had me so worried. Thank god you're back with Mama now. You're safe, my love."

Lulu buried her face in my shoulder, her tiny frame trembling. It was clear that she had been frightened by the encounter with the witch, and I couldn't blame her. I cradled her protectively, determined to keep her out of harm's way.

With my little angel safely in my arms, I knew we had to leave this place and find a more secure location.

I ran back to the castle as fast as my vampire speed could carry me,

Lulu, now safe and back in our chambers, was calmer. I had placed her on the bed, where she sat, her big, innocent eyes watching me as I paced around the room, contemplating what I should do about the disobedience that had put her in danger.

As I mulled over the situation, trying to come up with a suitable course of action, Lulu's tiny voice broke through my thoughts. "Sowwy, Mama."

I could see the tears pricking at Lulu's eyes as I looked back at her, my heart aching at the sight of her sorrowful expression. But I knew that I couldn't let her actions go without some form of consequence. I wanted her to understand the importance of following my rules

with a gentle yet firm tone, I said, "I know you're sorry, angel, and Mama forgives you. But I won't let you get away without a punishment, okay?"

Lulu's lower lip quivered, and her voice trembled as she replied, "O-okay, Mama."

I gave her a reassuring smile, my fingers brushing away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. "It's important to learn from our mistakes, sweetie. This will help you remember to always listen to Mama and keep yourself safe."

I love you guys;Enjooooy! 

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