chapter 49:Finally home

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Mama chuckled softly at my little wiggles and giggles. "Oh, my curious little one, always wanting to explore the world," she said with a tender smile. She carefully loosened her hold on me, allowing me to sit up and peer around.

The yellow light that had surrounded us began to fade, revealing a magical sight. The garden was now transformed into a mesmerizing realm, with sparkling lights and mystical creatures dancing in the moonlit night. I blinked in amazement, taking in the enchanting scene.

As my eyes adjusted to the magical ambiance, I noticed a figure emerging from the shimmering light. It was Morgana, a fairy with glistening wings and a radiant aura. Her presence brought a sense of wonder and joy to the garden.

"Mama," I exclaimed, pointing at Morgana with excitement, "look, it's Morgana! my friend!!"

Mama smiled warmly, acknowledging Morgana's presence. "Yes, babygirl"";Morgana approached us gracefully, . "Hello, little one," she chimed, her voice carrying a melody of happiness. "It's been a while since we last met."

I grinned at Morgana, feeling a connection to the magical world unfolding before me. Mama and Morgana exchanged a knowing look, and I sensed an unspoken history between them. 

Morgana's eyes sparkled with both joy and a tinge of sadness. She gently placed a hand on Mama's shoulder and spoke with a soft tone, "Athena, my dear friend, unfortunately, this is the only time we have. We need to go now." My heart sank, and I could see the same sadness reflected in Mama's eyes.Mama tightened her hold on my hand, her grip conveying both love and reluctance. A hint of sorrow flashed across her eyes as she nodded in understanding. I looked up at Mama, sensing her sadness, and wondered why she seemed afraid to let go.Morgana gracefully took a step back. "Thank you for sharing this magical moment with me, Athena and little one. But now, the enchantment must come to an end." Her words echoed in the quiet night, and I could feel the magic slowly fading away.As Morgana spoke, the garden gradually transformed back into the familiar night. The mystical creatures disappeared, and the twinkling lights dimmed, leaving behind the memory of a magical encounter.Mama, still holding my hand, looked down at me with a mix of emotions - love, sadness, and gratitude. I could feel her heartache, and I squeezed her hand, trying to offer comfort in my own small way.Morgana smiled one last time, her eyes filled with warmth and appreciation. With a graceful wave, she vanished into the fading light, leaving Mama and me in the peaceful tranquility of the night.As the magical world dissipated, Mama sighed and whispered, "It's time to say goodbye to our special garden, babygirl." She scooped me up in her arms, holding me close as we watched the last traces of enchantment disappear.

Morgana started saying some special words, like a magic spell. The air around us started to glow, and the garden we were in began to change. A magical doorway appeared, kind of like a portal.

Mama quickly picked me up, tucking my head into her neck and wrapping her clothes around me. It felt cozy, like a big warm hug. She whispered, "Hold on tight, baby," as everything around us started swirling.

I clung to Mama, feeling a mix of excitement and a little bit of dizzy. The garden disappeared, and suddenly, we were in a whole new place, filled with weird and cool things.

Morgana smiled and said, "Welcome to a new world, Athena and little one. This is a special place connected to our magical garden."

Mama looked around, amazed but also a bit unsure. "Where are we, Morgana? Is this safe?"

I opened my eyes wide, taking in the new atmosphere around us. The air felt different, and the colors were vibrant and magical. I looked at the trees, the skies, and everything around, and something inside me clicked.

I couldn't contain my excitement. I bounced in Mama's arms, realizing, "It's my home! This is where I belong!" The familiar sights and sounds made me feel like I was where I was supposed to be.

Mama looked down at me, smiling at my joy. "You like it here, don't you, baby?" she said, her eyes full of warmth.

I nodded enthusiastically, still bouncing. "Home, Mama! It's home!"

Morgana approached us with a gentle smile, but her expression carried a hint of seriousness. She spoke to Mama, "Athena, we can stay here for three days, no more. If you choose not to return with me after that, you'll be stuck in this realm for the next three months. You know how angels deal with us, Athena. It's not safe at all, okay?"

Mama looked at Morgana with a mix of understanding and concern. "Three days? Why such a short time?" she asked, worry evident in her voice.

Morgana explained, "The magic that connects our worlds is delicate, and staying here for too long might cause disruptions. It's a rule we must follow to keep the balance. And trust me, Athena, it's for your safety and the little one's."

Mama nodded, realizing the importance of Morgana's words. "We'll be back in three days, Morgana. I wouldn't want any trouble, especially for Lulu."

Morgana's eyes softened. "Thank you, Athena. Just remember, the balance is fragile, and it's in everyone's best interest to abide by the rules. Enjoy your time here, but be mindful of the consequences.

I looked up at Mama, sensing the seriousness of Morgana's words. "We leave, Mama?" I asked, my eyes wide with curiosity.

Mama smiled down at me, her hand gently rubbing my back. "Yes, baby, we'll leave when the time comes. But don't worry, we'll find a solution. We'll figure it out together."

I snuggled closer to Mama, finding comfort in her reassuring touch. "Okay, Mama. We find a solution," I said, trusting that Mama would make everything okay.

Morgana approached us, holding a small potion in her hand. She handed it to Mama and explained, "This potion will mask your scent and help control your hunger in the other realm. It's completely safe, Athena. You both need to drink it before leaving."

Mama nodded, taking the small bottle. , and they both clicked the bottles together, saying, "Cheers."

As Mama and Morgana finished drinking the potion, something magical happened. I could sense a change in Mama's scent, and a delightful fragrance filled the air. Mama now smelled like the flowers from our house garden, and it made me giggle with delight.

"Mama, you smell like our garden flowers!" I exclaimed, my laughter bubbling up.

Mama chuckled, her eyes twinkling. "Really, baby? That's the magic of the potion. Now, we're all set for our adventure."

Feeling excited, I looked at Mama with a mischievous grin. "Come on, Mama! I'll take you to our house!" I tugged at Mama's hand, ready to lead her through the forest 

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