chapter 36: Restless sleep

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Athena's pov:

Lying still in the darkness of their chambers, I could sense Lulu's restlessness. Though I pretended to be asleep, a mother's instincts were always on alert. My little angel, still learning the ways of the world, had awakened with a yearning for Millie, her cherished stuffed animal. Her tiny wings quivered with anticipation, and her whimper tugged at my heart.

The silvery moonlight bathed the room, casting delicate shadows that danced upon the walls. I watched as Lulu turned her head on the pillow, her blue eyes seeking the comfort she craved. "Millie" lulu kept whimperingWith a tender whimper, Lulu let me know she needed something, but she was reluctant to disturb my rest. .In response to her soft yearning, I whispered in the gentlest of tones, "Lulu, my love, what's wrong? Do you need something?"Lulu hesitated, her lips trembling with uncertainty. She longed for Millie, the comfort it brought, but she was still unsure about waking me. With determination, she reached out her tiny hand, a delicate invitation to Millie's embrace.

 Her tiny hand slipped beneath the edge of my nightshirt, her fingers exploring in the darkness. Seeking the comforting presence of 'Millie,' I gazed at her lovingly in the soft, dim light, my heart brimming with affection.

As her fingers found 'Millie,' she gently tugged on my skin. I carefully removed her hand, noticing her tearful eyes. I adjusted her position and allowed her to find solace in 'Millie' once more.

In the quiet of the night, I whispered to Athena, my voice filled with love, 'There you go, my sweetie. 'Millie' is right here yes mama?"

Lulu's excitement was palpable as she brought Millie to her lips, gently sucking. Her brown eyes, still heavy with sleep, fluttered closed as she found the solace she sought. In the stillness of the night, broken only by the softest of sounds, my little angel kept making the cutest noises while she sucked. She also kept her hands busy with squeezing my chest, which made me chuckle.

In a soft, whispered voice, I said, "You really love Millie, don't you, my sweet Lulu?"

Lulu, her lips still pressed to Millie, let out a sweet, sleepy whine, "mamaaa."

I smiled down at her. "So now you love Millie more than Mama, little girl?"

Lulu nodded, her sleepy eyes full of affection, and then I continued, "Okay, okay, no one disturb my baby Millie time."

With that, Lulu nestled back into my embrace, Millie still cradled between her lips. The night enveloped us in its tender embrace, and as we lay there in the quiet of the night, Lulu gazed at me with those big, innocent eyes and started gently stroking my cheek with her little hand, making me smile even wider.

My heart swelled with love and gratitude, and I whispered back, "I love you too, my precious. Now, let's both get some more sleep, and we can have more adventures together in our dreams."

But then, in a quiet, tearful voice, Lulu looked at me and said, "No more Millie, Mama."

I gently shushed her and carefully moved  her to my other Millie's source  Lulu's eyes widened, and a burst of giggles escaped her lips as she started sucking happily on her thumb. waiting for me to fix her position

With a heart full of love and tenderness, I watched her in the dim light of the night. Lulu looked up at me with curiosity and asked, "Mama, do you have two Millies too?"

I smiled and replied, "Yes, sweetie, Mama only has two Millies."

Lulu looked at me with those big, innocent eyes and said, "Ony foww wuwu, Mama?"

I chuckled softly and said, "Yes, baby, just for you." Her face lit up with satisfaction as she realized that her special bond with Millie was truly unique.

Lulu then nestled even closer, her tiny fingers curling around her beloved Millies, and she went back to her peaceful sucking. The room was filled with the quiet sounds of her contentment as she drifted further into her dreams.

But I couldn't sleep at all; my mind was racing a mile a minute. Xavier and Alexa hadn't shown up that day, and the witches had likely discovered there was an angel in the realm. The angels had locked themselves in their own realm because of the witches who used their blood in their dark magic. I couldn't let anything happen to my baby.

I tightened my grip around Lulu's small body, and she snuggled even closer to me. My thoughts were consumed by how I was going to take Lulu home safely without leaving her exposed to danger.

Suddenly, Luciana, the voice in my head, made her presence known and said, "We'll find a way. No one will touch my angel after centuries of searching for her."

Her words offered a glimmer of hope in the midst of my worry. Luciana had been my guardian, my protector for ages, and she wouldn't let any harm come to Lulu.

As I contemplated this, Luciana's voice spoke again, this time in my mind and directed at Athena, "Athena, we need to be cautious. The witches are a formidable threat, and they are determined. We have to find a way to protect Lulu and bring her safely back to her realm."

I nodded in agreement and silently conveyed my thoughts to Luciana, "I won't let anything happen to my princess. We'll do whatever it takes."

Luciana responded, her presence calming and reassuring, "We will, Athena. We've faced challenges before, and we'll overcome this one as well. Lulu is our hope, and together, we'll ensure she remains safe."

With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes, knowing I needed to force myself to sleep and rest. The weight of the impending challenges ahead was heavy, but I also had to take care of myself.

Before surrendering to sleep, I  said softly , "I love you, baby. Mama will protect you always and forever.

As I felt the weight of the impending challenges, I leaned down and gently kissed Lulu's forehead, . I whispered, "Sleep well, my precious," "

And with those words lingering in the quiet of the night, I allowed the embrace of slumber to carry me away,"

i love you guys!!! Enjoooy

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