chapter 46: A new friend

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Lulu's pov:

Mama and I went into a big room for a party. The room had wide open doors, and when we went inside, it felt like a magical night was beginning. The werewolves, dressed in their best clothes, danced smoothly to the music that filled the room. Mama and I joined the happy celebration, becoming a part of the special world created by the werewolf kingdom.

The music swirled around us, and I couldn't help but be swept away by the joyous atmosphere. Mama twirled me around, and my pretty dress billowed out like a cascade of dreams. Laughter echoed in the ballroom, creating a harmonious symphony that resonated with the beats of our hearts.

As we danced together, Mama whispered, "You're the most beautiful princess here, Lulu. Tonight is a special night, and we're going to make wonderful memories together."

I beamed up at Mama, feeling a warmth in my heart. The Alpha King, Mama's friend, approached us with a kind smile. Mama exchanged greetings with him, and I looked up at the Alpha King's little one.

"Mama, who is he?" I asked in a hushed voice, my eyes wide with curiosity.

"That's the Alpha King, dear, and his little one Elsa. They're our friends," Mama explained, her eyes reflecting the affection she held for them.

Elsa, the Alpha King's little one, stood nearby, her eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and shyness. Encouraged by Mama's nod, I took a small, hesitant step toward her.

"Hi i'm lulu ," I said softly, a shy smile playing on my lips.

"Hi lulu i'm Elsa," Elsa replied, her voice equally soft. She twirled a strand of her hair nervously, mirroring my own uncertainty.

Mama and the Alpha King exchanged amused glances, their smiles widening as they watched us. It seemed they knew that a magical friendship was about to blossom between Elsa and me.

"Do you like my dress?" I asked, twirling around to show off the pretty details.

Elsa nodded, her eyes widening with admiration. "It's really pretty."

"Yours is pretty too," I complimented, noticing the delicate flowers adorning her hair. "Do you like dancing?"

She hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I... I like it."

With Mama's encouragement, Elsa and I tentatively joined hands, our shy smiles turning into giggles as we danced in a small circle. Mama and the Alpha King continued to watch us, their expressions filled with joy.

"Mama, can I keep playing with Elsa?" I asked, tugging gently on the edge of Mama's dress.

Mama smiled down at me, a loving twinkle in her eyes. "Of course, my love. You and Elsa can have all the fun you want. But remember, stay close, alright? No wandering around. And if you need anything, just find Elsa's maid. Mama has some important meetings to attend, but I'll check on you as soon as I can."

I nodded eagerly, understanding the importance of Mama's responsibilities. "Okay, Mama! We'll be good!"

With that, Mama leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. "I love you, Lulu. Have a wonderful time, and be a good little angel."

"I love you too, Mama!" I chirped, giving Mama a quick hug before turning my attention back to Elsa. Mama entrusted me to stay close and have fun with my new friend, and I was determined to be the best little angel I could be.

Elsa and I walked to the buffet, our eyes shining at the delicious treats laid out before us. The sweet smell of cookies and pastries filled the air, making our tummies rumble with anticipation.

"Look at all these yummy things, Lulu!" Elsa's eyes widened with excitement.

I giggled, "Mama said we can have whatever we want."

We carefully selected cookies and pastries, creating a colorful collection on our plates. Finding a cozy spot, we sat down, swinging our little legs with joy as we enjoyed the delightful treats. The cookies were soft, and the pastries melted in our mouths, leaving us with happy smiles.

"Isn't this fun, Elsa?" I grinned.

She nodded, "Yes, Lulu! I'm so glad we're friends now. nunu me an you awe best fwiinds"

Elsa and I, with our bellies full of treats, decided to explore more of the werewolf kingdom's celebration. Elsa's eyes lit up as she suggested, "Lulu, let's go see the garden!  it's really pretty."

Excitement bubbling between us, we started to run towards the garden, eager to play  there . However, our enthusiasm was halted when a mysterious figure stepped into our path, a mischievous smile playing on their lips.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the figure teased.

Elsa recognized the figure instantly and ran towards them, shouting, "Aunty Arteyyy!"

I followed Elsa, a curious look on my face. Who was Aunty Artey;

Aunty Artey  as Elsa called her had striking blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief, and her dark black hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves. She exuded an air of playfulness and warmth, and as she scooped Elsa into her arms, a bright smile adorned her face.She lifted Elsa effortlessly, twirling her around in a playful dance. Elsa giggled with delight,  However, a small pout adorned my face as I watched them, secretly wishing to be lifted up too. Aunty Artey noticed and, and  turned her attention towards me. she playfully asked, "Well, what do we have here? Another little princess  who wants a turn?"

Aunty Artey noticed my hesitation, and with a kind smile, she spoke, "I won't hurt you, angel." Those words reassured me a bit, and before I knew it, she scooped me up into her arms. I squealed and giggled, feeling the joy of being lifted and twirled around, just like she did with Elsa. Aunty Artey seemed nice, and I started to feel comfortable around her.

Aunty Artey's eyes twinkled with amusement as she looked down at me in her arms. "What's your name, little one?" she asked.

"I'm Lulu," I replied, my voice a soft murmur.

"Ah, Lulu, a pretty name for a pretty princess," she said, making me blush and hide in the crook of her neck. Aunty Artey bounced me lightly, cooing in a soothing tone.

Turning her attention to Elsa, she asked, "And who wants to see a trick?"

Elsa's eyes lit up, and she exclaimed, "Me, me!"

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