chapter 38: fitting session

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Liliane's pov:

Days with Mama had settled into a comforting routine. Every morning, we'd wake up together, and I'd look forward to my baba. Mama would dress me in the cutest outfits and give me a warm bath, ensuring I was fresh and ready for the day.Breakfasts were a lively affair, with everyone gathered around the table. Mama would give me a kiss before heading into her office, where she spent hours working on grown-up matters.During her absence, I'd spend time with Nono, Nona, and Pauly, who showered me with love and attention. We'd have lunch together, and when Mama returned, she'd take me out for some fun. We'd walk in the beautiful garden or take a refreshing dip in the pool, the sunlight warming our faces.As the day gave way to evening, we'd return to the castle, where a delicious dinner awaited us. Mama and I had our night-night routine, filled with laughter and bedtime stories. She'd tuck me in and give me a yummy millie before gently wishing me sweet dreams.

In the warmth of these daily rituals, I knew that Mama's love and the bond we shared were the constants that made every day special. The castle held the echoes of countless stories, and together, we were creating our own, filled with love and moments that would last a lifetime.

Even though our days were filled with love, laughter, and adventure, there was one part that I found a bit challenging. It was when Mama disappeared into her office for hours, working on things I couldn't quite understand. Those were the times when I missed her most.

Until one day, something truly extraordinary happened. Mama didn't disappear into her office, and instead, she had a big surprise for me. Her eyes twinkled with excitement as she said, "Lulu, there's a big party coming up, and we're going to it!"

My little heart raced with joy. A party meant fun, pretty dresses, and yummy pastries, things I adored. I couldn't contain my excitement, and I clapped my hands with delight.

Mama continued, "We'll have the prettiest dresses, and someone special will come to make them just for us."

I was so, so, so happy that day. I couldn't stop smiling. I sat on Mama's lap while many ladies came into our castle. They had all kinds of things with them – tools and colorful pieces of cloth. There was even a lady with the most beautiful purple hair I'd ever seen. Her hair was so bright and fun that I couldn't help but giggle.When the ladies walked in, they all did something polite. They bent forward a little, like when you say "hi" to someone important. They did this to show respect to Mama because she's important, and I wanted to be just like her.But the lady with the purple hair was different. She got really, really excited and rushed over to Mama. She gave her a big hug, and I was in Mama's lap, so she hugged me too! It made me laugh and feel even happier.The lady with the purple hair was so friendly, and her hair was so soft and pretty that I just had to touch it. I reached out and gently touched her purple hair. She made a funny sound and said, "Awww, you're a pretty princess." Mama smiled and said, "Indeed she is." That made me feel a bit shy, like when you get a special present. So, I hid my face in Mama's neck.

My cheeks got a little warm, and I knew that everyone thought I was special and lovely. I was excited to see the dress they were going to make just for me and mama. they  were going to be the most beautiful dresses ever, and I couldn't wait to wear my dress to the big party we were going to.The other ladies left the room, and only the lady with the beautiful purple hair, who told me her name was Sophia, remained. I thought her name was lovely and told her, "Wow, me wike your name!"With a warm smile, I stood up, and Sophia began measuring me for my special dress. She was really good at her job, and it felt like a fun game. But suddenly, while she was measuring, she gasped and stopped.I looked at Mama, wondering why Sophia had reacted like that. Mama whispered, "lulu is an angel,  i know it's shocking but it's a long story . But, , you must promise not to tell anyone. It's my  secret, okay?"Sophia nodded and said, "Never, Athena, I would never cause you any harm. I promise." Mama smiled and said, "I know."

Sophia clapped her hands together, and her eyes sparkled with joy. She said, "Let's make a special dress for our special angel!" It made me feel even more special, and I smiled really big.

Then, Sophia showed me a bunch of colorful fabrics, and she said, "Lulu, which one do you like?" There were so many pretty colors, but I chose a purple one. It was just like Sophia's beautiful purple hair.

After I picked my fabric, it was Mama's turn. She got to choose her fabric too. I watched as Mama carefully chose the one she liked the most it wass red just like mommy lucy's eyes, and I knew that together, we were going to have the most beautiful dresses ever. It was a fun day, and I couldn't wait for the party.

Sophia began to take Mama's measurements, and while they were busy, I decided to play on the floor. I had my favorite toys with me, Olaf and Strawberry. I was so happy playing with them, and I couldn't help but giggle as I talked to them about Sophia.

I said to Olaf and Strawberry, "Guess what, guys? Mama and I are getting special dresses made by Sophia. She's the one with the pretty purple hair. And she's a vampiwee , just like Mama. But she's really nice, and I like her a lot!"

When it was time for Sophia to leave, she gently set aside her measuring tools. She bent down and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek, saying, "I'll be back to see you after tomorrow, Lulu. You take care, okay?"

I smiled and replied, "Okay, Sophia. Bye-bye!" It was a warm and happy moment, and I looked forward to seeing Sophia again and wearing the beautiful dress she was making just for me.

I love you guys;Enjoy vote and comment thank youu!!

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